This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy & Lt. Gov. Wyman Applaud House Passage of a Lockbox Protecting Transportation Funding

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman released the following statements regarding the bipartisan vote in the House of Representatives this afternoon to adopt a resolution that will implement a lockbox in Connecticut’s constitution ensuring that all funding raised for transportation purposes can only be used for transportation:

Governor Malloy said, “Today, the House took a significant step forward for meeting our state’s infrastructure needs. The fact is, modernizing our transportation networks is critical to the future economic health of our state. For too long, the state failed to make the necessary upgrades and maintenance on our roads, bridges, and railways and we are paying the price today for this neglect. We owe taxpayers a say in how the state should safeguard transportation funds from future sweeps by future legislatures or governors. That’s why I’ve been a staunch advocate of a transportation lockbox. I commend Representative Fox and Representative Guerrera for their tireless advocacy and I thank Speaker Aresimowicz and Majority Leader Ritter for taking action on this important issue today. I strongly encourage the State Senate to take up this bill and pass it without delay.”

Lt. Governor Wyman said, “I applaud the House for passing this resolution. Investing in our transportation infrastructure – roads, public transit, and bike/pedestrian safety – is critical in the effort to strengthen commerce and make Connecticut more attractive to younger workers. A transportation lockbox is a good first step in keeping our commitment to citizens and businesses that transportation funds will be used to improve our transportation system.”

The legislation is House Joint Resolution 100, Resolution Approving a State Constitutional Amendment to Protect Transportation Funds.

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy