This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Calls for Greater Economic Predictability in State of the State Address

Focuses on Three Areas: Leaner State Government, Pension & Employee Cost Savings, and a Fairer System for Town Aid

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy today delivered his seventh State of the State address before a joint session of the Connecticut General Assembly. He highlighted the core components of a responsible biennial budget and offered a path forward that builds upon progress made in recent years to reduce state spending and grow our economy.

The Governor explained the imperative this session should be creating greater economic predictability and stability for Connecticut residents and businesses.

“When we give people reason to believe that their job is here to stay, we’re giving them the confidence to purchase a home, to buy a new family car, or to start a college fund,” he said in his address. “In other words, we’re giving them confidence to take part in our state economy.

“And it’s equally true for their employers,” he continued. “Predictability allows businesses to expand, to make new hires, to put down new roots right here in Connecticut. This is what companies and their workers are looking for. They deserve it, and it’s on us to provide it.”

While the projected $1.5 billion deficit for the upcoming fiscal year presents a significant fiscal challenge, the Governor stated that reductions in spending will need to be found in all facets of the state budget. In particular, he outlined three major areas that must be addressed this legislative session in order to achieve a balanced biennium budget:

  • Continued cost savings and efficiencies in state government
  • Changes that will make the state pension and benefits more affordable
  • Creating a more fair and equitable system for town aid, one that guarantees equal access to a quality education for all children

Savings must be realized in each of these three areas, he urged, while honoring the state’s obligations to taxpayers, students, and state workers and retirees.

In the wake of November’s presidential election, the Governor also reaffirmed Connecticut’s legacy of fairness, collaboration, and inclusivity.

“Our state has a long legacy of acceptance, compassion, and fairness. Regardless of whether your family settled in Connecticut 300 years ago or three days ago, you are welcome here,” he said. “As the people of Connecticut navigate a changing national landscape, we will continue to ensure that every state resident is treated with dignity and respect. That will not change -- not now, not ever.”

Utilizing a framework that incorporates the three goals laid out in today’s speech, the Governor will present detailed budget proposals to the legislature in February.

**On the Web: Full text of Governor Malloy’s 2017 State of the State Address

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy