This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Statement on the Nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions as US Attorney General

(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy today released the following statement regarding the announcement that President-elect Donald Trump will nominate U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama to a prominent cabinet position as U.S. Attorney General:

“The U.S. Attorney General has a tremendous responsibility as the country’s top lawyer, chief law enforcement office and leader of the Department of Justice. The people of our country count on the Attorney General to ensure that the scales of justice are fairly balanced and that the system is not disproportionately set against one individual or group of citizens.

“U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions has a troubling track record on matters such as civil liberty protections and a history of demonstrating poor judgement as evidenced by his previous pejorative, insensitive comments towards people of color. These comments must be scrutinized during his confirmation hearings.

“Regardless of the outcome of those hearings, reducing recidivism rates, lowering crime rates, and improving life outcomes for offenders should not be a partisan issue. Sen. Sessions has shown a willingness to improve the justice system by supporting his home state’s drug courts as well as efforts to address disparities in sentencing laws. Republicans such as Governor Robert Bentley of Alabama, Governor Nathan Deal of Georgia, and Governor Matt Bevin of Kentucky have shown clear support for these goals. Here in Connecticut, we’re proving that smarter, fairer approaches to these problems can and do lead to better outcomes. The changes we have made to our criminal justice system have resulted in lower crime rate, safer communities, and fewer people caught up in the cycle of crime, prison and poverty.

“Much more needs to be done here in Connecticut, and nationally. While Senator Sessions’ past behavior, comments and actions give cause for real concern, should he be confirmed as our next U.S. Attorney General, I strongly urge he and the administration to follow the bipartisan work being done in Connecticut and elsewhere to make our criminal justice system more fair and cost-effective.”
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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy