This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Statement on Federal Judge's Injunction Regarding Overtime Pay for Millions of Working Americans

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy released the following statement regarding the announcement that a federal judge has blocked the United States Department of Labor’s ruling to expand overtime protections to millions of workers:

“It is deeply disappointing that any action would be taken to delay expanding overtime protections that would strengthen and grow the working class while also boosting our economy. It is a bedrock principle of our nation that workers and their families deserve a fair wage for their hard work.

“The steps taken by President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Secretary Perez to modernize overtime protections for the nation’s workers would extend overtime protections to 4.2 million more Americans and are expected to boost wages for workers by $12 billion over the next ten years.

“There should be bipartisan support for these protections. Too often, the same voices claiming support for the working class are more than willing to use their power to block meaningful policy changes that help those very workers. It is my sincere hope that this ruling, which would benefit and expand the middle class, will stand.”
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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy