This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy & Lt. Gov. Wyman Applaud Passage of Legislation to Strengthen State's Business Climate

(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman today released the following statements regarding legislation adopted today by the Connecticut General Assembly to improve the state's business climate and ensure that spending aligns with revenues:

Governor Malloy said, "Several weeks ago, I brought Democrats and Republicans to the negotiating table to balance our budget, make tax changes to improve our business climate, and begin discussions about making long-term, substantive change to the way our state does business.  We had good, serious, bipartisan conversations about the short-term and the long-term.  We found that there is much more that can unite us than divides us.  While we couldn't achieve a bipartisan vote, we had a bipartisan process to lead us to the vote tonight.  I appreciate the willingness of Democrats and Republicans to engage in this important discussion, one that I hope will continue in the months and years ahead.  The legislation passed tonight is not perfect, but it helps make progress for the State of Connecticut this fiscal year and beyond.  It makes important changes to our tax code to help make our state more regionally competitive, and makes many cuts that are sustainable beyond this fiscal year.  We no doubt have more to do in the General Assembly session ahead.  But this is a positive step to improve the state's business climate and deliver long-term predictability that will allow our families and businesses to thrive.  Together as a state, we must remain focused on the long-run, and the legislation passed today will help ensure that revenues align with spending to help us achieve that end.  Nonetheless, we must keep our focus on improving our long-term climate so we can continue growing our economy, adding jobs, and make Connecticut an even better place to live, work, and raise a family."

Lt. Governor Wyman said, "These are important changes that will improve Connecticut's business climate and encourage further economic growth.  Over five years we've seen good progress - our unemployment rate is down, and the private sector has created more than 80,000 jobs - good for residents and for the state.  These initiatives are part of our overall commitment to partner with business and industry, to help them innovate, expand, and create jobs."

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy