This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy: State Secures Entry into New Federal Program for Manufacturers to Advance New Flexible Hybrid Electronics

(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), the University of Connecticut (UConn), and the United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) will take part in a new Flexible Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute (FHE MII), a virtual institute consisting of more than 160 companies, universities, and non-profits.  As part of the institute, manufacturers in the state can gain support to build up their capabilities in new flexible, hybrid electronic technologies.

"We're demonstrating our commitment to seeking - and securing - new and innovative sources of support to develop key technologies in our state. Just last month, Connecticut earned a federal designation and access to federal dollars that will support advanced manufacturing, primarily in our aerospace and shipbuilding industries," Governor Malloy said.  "This latest national affirmation builds on and strengthens our state's reputation as a manufacturing leader."

Part of the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation announced by President Obama in 2012, the FHE MII will bring government, industry and academic leaders together to advance the manufacturing of flexible hybrid electronics in the United States. The institute will be led by FlexTech Alliance, a Silicon Valley-based consortium of 96 companies, 11 laboratories and non-profits, 42 universities, and 14 states and regional organizations - including DECD, UConn, and UTRC.

The U.S. Department of Defense awarded $75 million over five years to the alliance to establish and manage the FHE MII.  The federal funds are being matched by $96 million in other state and private funds.  This includes $2.5 million from DECD and a $2.5 million in-kind contribution from UConn.

"This is great news for Connecticut because the impact of this institute's activities will go way beyond its initial objective of supporting the defense industry," DECD Commissioner Catherine Smith said.  "To capitalize on the full potential, the integrated circuit, graphics printing, and electronic assembly/packaging industries will have to be engaged in the process, and benefits could extend far into the automotive, communications, consumer electronics, medical devices, healthcare, transportation and logistics, and agriculture industries."

"Connecticut's partnership on the Flexible Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute is another recent example of UConn working with state government and industry to bring new opportunities to Connecticut," UConn President Susan Herbst said.  "The institute will engage Connecticut companies and UConn researchers to develop new technologies and manufacturing processes that promote economic development."

Flexible hybrid electronics, the next generation of electronics, is an emerging manufacturing field.  The technology allows thin silicon electronic devices, sensing elements, communications, and power sources to be integrated with flexible materials, including flexible glass, plastic, paper and even human skin.

Today's news follows an announcement in July that Connecticut was one of 12 locations across the nation to win access to more than $1 billion through the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership initiative, a federal program designed to strengthen manufacturing capabilities nationwide by supporting states with long-term economic development strategies.

For more information about the Flexible Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute, click here.

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy