This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy, Lt. Gov. Wyman, Officials Applaud Fifth Anniversary of Affordable Care Act

(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy, Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman, Access Health CT CEO James Wadleigh, and U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell released the following statements regarding the fifth anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA):
Governor Malloy said, "Hundreds of thousands of residents are benefitting from the Affordable Care Act, many of whom either previously had no health care at all or lacked quality coverage.  The premise of this historic law is simple - everyone should have access to care, people shouldn't be denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions, and uninsured rates need to drop.  Put simply, the Affordable Care Act is working.  Connecticut has emerged as a national leader in its implementation, and states around the country are modeling their exchanges on ours.  We are achieving our ultimate goal by providing quality, secure, and affordable health care to American families.  March 23rd will go down in history as a giant step forward for our nation's - and our state's - progress."
Lt. Governor Wyman, who also serves as Chair of the Board of Access Health CT, said, "The ACA has broad implications in Connecticut - over half a million residents enrolled through the state's healthcare exchange; we cut our uninsured rate in half to four percent; and most importantly, Connecticut residents are getting the care and advice they need to live healthy, productive lives.  I commend President Obama, Connecticut's Congressional delegation, and the team at Access Health CT for their work to build a stronger future for all of us."
Access Health CT CEO Wadleigh said, "Because of the Affordable Care Act, Access Health CT has been able to enroll over 500,000 Connecticut residents in quality, affordable health care coverage and help small businesses save over $2 million in health care costs.  We're continuing to work with other states to make state-based health exchanges successful in the implementation of this landmark legislation."
HHS Secretary Burwell said, "Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act almost five years ago, about 16.4 million uninsured people have gained health coverage - the largest reduction in the uninsured in four decades.  Because of the Affordable Care Act, young adults are able to stay on their parents' plans until age 26, states can expand their Medicaid programs, and tax credits are available to millions of Americans in all 50 states, making health care coverage more affordable and accessible.  When it comes to the key metrics of affordability, access, and quality, the evidence shows that the Affordable Care Act is working, and families, businesses and taxpayers are better off as a result."
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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy