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Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Announces Small Town Grants to Assist Seven Communities with Capital Improvement Projects

(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that, in the first installment of several rounds of funding, seven towns in Connecticut are being awarded grants under the state's Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) to assist with infrastructure improvement projects.
"Partnering with our small towns, we're able to move necessary projects forward that improve the quality of life for residents in those communities, while also strengthening our public spaces and business districts," Governor Malloy said.  "These funds help towns throughout our state grow and remain competitive, and we're proud to provide this support today so we can all deliver a brighter tomorrow."
The grants announced today are:
Beacon Falls: $199,500 to begin phase one construction of Highland Avenue which has suffered greatly from excessive flooding and pavement deterioration due to lack of adequate and efficient drainage.  The project will improve the overall condition of the road and provide better drainage for the safety of residents living and working in the community.
Berlin: $500,000 towards the Kensington Village Area Sidewalks Project to fill in missing areas of sidewalks in the downtown Berlin area of Kensington Village.  These new sidewalks will provide better access to several town services including the library, town hall, and community center, while allowing for a safer environment for residents of the Marjorie Moore Village Senior Housing complex.  The project will also play a key role in Berlin's transit-oriented development plan centralized around a new Berlin Train Station to open in 2016.
Plainfield: $200,000 for the extension of a water main to bring water to a local industrial zone that is mainly served by rail.  This development will serve current occupants and spur the development of the area, some of which has already begun and provide a more hospitable environment for incoming businesses.
Sprague: $500,000 to reconstruct 7,300 linear feet of road on Grandview Drive and Sunrise Drive, which was damaged by flooding in recent years and deteriorated to extremely poor condition.  The project will increase safety and minimize the risk of natural hazards for residents and other users of these roads.
Stafford: $500,000 to extend the public waterline and sewer system to accommodate the new Avery Park Housing Project.  Avery Park's move from 91 West Street to 87 West Stafford Road will create 79 units of new affordable housing for elderly and disabled residents.  The extension of the waterline and sewer system will provide service to the new development, while eliminating the cost and construction of a new private septic system.
Voluntown: $500,000 for the construction of a Public Works Garage.  The garage will replace existing smaller sheds and storage containers and provide protective space for town vehicles, equipment, and sand and salt supplies.  The project includes additional space for in-house maintenance of vehicles and equipment that will save to town from short turnover and replacement costs.
Woodbridge: $500,000 for the conversion of a former headquarters of the Woodbridge Fire Department into a community and recreational space.  The structure's centralized location enables access to many town offices and community services including the town hall, library, fire station, public works and Amity Regional High School.  This grant will serve phase two of the project for reconstruction and create 25 jobs.

There will be additional STEAP announcements made in the near future.
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