This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Praise for Gov. Malloy's 2015 State of the State Address

Oz Griebel, President and CEO of the MetroHartford Alliance:
"As one of the chairs of the former Transportation Strategy Board, I applaud the Governor's focus on identifying and securing a sustainable funding source to ensure the maintenance and expansion of a modern and integrated transportation system. Critical to this overall effort is the prompt passage of a constitutional amendment that clearly identifies the sources and uses of such funds and that establishes an authority comprised of government and private sector representatives to implement a comprehensive transportation strategy and to prioritize the implementation of specific projects."

Joe Brennan, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Connecticut Business and Industry Association:
"Modernizing Connecticut's transportation infrastructure and improving our connectivity to global markets is critical to strengthening the state's economic competitiveness. Governor Malloy's plans to ensure that transportation dollars are only used for transportation projects and to begin the discussion on how to transform our current system will go a long way towards making the state more attractive for both businesses and individuals to locate and invest."

Don Shubert, President of the Connecticut Construction Industries Association:
"CCIA applauds the Governor's proposals. Everyone in Connecticut who wants a safe and hassle-free ride to work, a good job, and a comfortable quality of life needs to support Governor Malloy's proposal to improve our transportation systems. Protecting transportation funding and implementing stable revenue sources are the necessary first steps in seriously addressing the state's transportation needs. Transportation touches everyone in Connecticut - everyday."

Dave Roche, President of the Connecticut State Building and Construction Trades Council:
"Once again, Governor Malloy's leadership in Connecticut will take an important step to rebuild our transportation system that will provide good job opportunities for Connecticut workers. A solid plan for protecting transportation funding will provide the much needed improvements to our infrastructure that will benefit generations of Connecticut residents and continue to improve our state's economy."

Roger Reynolds, Director of Energy, Climate and Transportation Programs for Connecticut Fund for the Environment/Save the Sound:
"Connecticut Fund for the Environment applauds the Governor's recognition that Connecticut needs a multi-modal 21st Century transportation system to reinvigorate our economy and meet our climate and environmental goals. Nationally, there has been strong public support for ambitious transit and transportation proposals if they are well-explained, genuinely promote climate and environmental goals, and guarantee that money raised will be dedicated to the projects. We look forward to hearing the details and engaging in a discussion over the next several months."
Karen Burnaska, Coordinator, Transit for Connecticut:
"I applaud Governor Malloy for making transportation of one of his legislative priorities. Improved and increased public transit will help keep Connecticut's economy competitive, protect the environment, and provide residents with needed transportation options. Guaranteeing that revenue raised for transportation will be spent on transportation will provide a reliable funding source to plan for the future."

Christopher Bruhl, President and CEO of the Business Council of Fairfield:
"Adequate, reliable funding for our multimodal transportation capacity and performance is essential to Connecticut's economic future. The Business Council of Fairfield County strongly supports the Governor's key points: disciplined commitment of funds, greater investment, and utilization of alternative revenue sources that reflect longer term trends in consumer behavior, technology, and climate."

Larry McHugh, President of the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce:
"The Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce recognizes the importance of transportation and infrastructure in a modern economy. We applaud Governor Malloy's efforts to protect transportation funding and look forward to being a constructive partner on this important issue. Investment in our highways, railways and waterways is critical to economic development as we work to move our great state forward."
For Immediate Release: January 7, 2015
Contact: Devon Puglia
860-770-8298 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy