This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
October 30, 2014
Project Will Pave the Way for New Haven Coliseum Site Redevelopment, Create More Than 2,800 Jobs for Residents
(NEW HAVEN, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy, joined by New Haven Mayor Toni Harp, Congresswoman Rosa L. DeLauro, New Haven Board of Alders President Jorge Perez and LiveWorkLearnPlay Co-Managing Partner and Founding Principal Max Reim, today announced a $21.5 million investment in Phase II of New Haven's Downtown Crossing plan.
These funds will provide the infrastructure improvements needed to pave the way for the $395 million redevelopment of the former New Haven Coliseum site by developer LiveWorkLearnPlay. The project will generate 2,809 permanent jobs at full operation creating $188,810,000 in annual wages. LiveWorkLearnPlay is also working with the city and New Haven Works to ensure employment opportunities for residents.
"The Coliseum site redevelopment is a vital component of the Downtown Crossing project and is a once in a generation opportunity to rebuild 5.5 acres of prime land in the heart of New Haven," Governor Malloy said. "We have worked hard to establish Connecticut as a world-renowned life sciences hub. New Haven has had that foresight to plan and provide support for this growing workforce. As a result, the city has a prominent global presence in these expanding fields and is front and center in creating quality, high-paying jobs for its residents."
The Downtown Crossing Phase II project transforms this area of New Haven, removing a highway that has been a barrier to connectivity, and replacing the highway with urban boulevards. This funding will allow for Union Station, the Medical District and the Hill neighborhood to connect with Downtown New Haven by rejoining South Orange Street across the current Route 34 towards Union Station, along an at-grade street for pedestrians, cyclists and automobiles.
"Today's announcement underscores the synergy we envision for this development, directly tied to a vibrant biotech industry, a great university, and growing medical center. This is a clear indication that New Haven and Connecticut will continue to be a center for high-tech and life sciences," Mayor Harp said. "We're very proud of this achievement and thank Governor Malloy for his vision, perseverance, and hard work on behalf of the residents of New Haven and Connecticut."
Downtown Crossing will allow the Coliseum Site Redevelopment to attract 35 to 40 new small to mid-sized permanent businesses and up to 25 seasonal incubator businesses, along with a mix of quality housing options ranging from market rate, low, moderate, workforce and affordable housing. In addition, the project will generate approximately 4,700 construction jobs and $303 million in labor income for construction jobs over the seven to ten years of project build-out beginning in 2014.
LiveWorkLearnPlay has been actively working with the city to ensure local New Haven residents and businesses have the opportunity to participate in the project. Most importantly, the project will generate 2,809 permanent jobs at full operation creating $188,810,000 in annual wages. The developer is also committed to working with the city and New Haven Works to ensure employment opportunities for residents.
Downtown Crossing, the city's plan to transform Route 34 East reclaiming 10 acres of land ideally suited for transit-oriented development, is a major keystone in the city's overall redevelopment efforts providing a dense mix of commercial, retail, and housing located within an easy walk of transit.
"Today's announcement is yet another example of how public-private partnerships can revitalize our cities, encourage our innovative local businesses to expand, grow our local economy and improve the quality of life for the people of New Haven," Congresswoman DeLauro. "Investments such as the one being made by Governor Malloy today are vital for our city's growth, and our economy's growth."
State Senate Majority Leader Martin M. Looney (D-New Haven) said, "This development is critical to the future vitality of downtown New Haven, and it fills a void that has existed since the demolition of coliseum."
"This state investment will help reconnect parts of the city that were cut off during urban renewal in the 50s and 60s," State Representative Toni Walker (D-New Haven), House Chair of the Appropriations Committee, said. "The Hill, the hospitals, our transportation hub, and our downtown will all be reachable by bike, by walking and by car or public transportation."
"This forward-thinking investment in the infrastructure of our downtown will help connect our growing housing and job centers with our train stations and transit corridors. This is exactly the type of investment government should be making - it will unlock hundreds of millions of dollars in private capital, create thousands of jobs and new residences, re-stitch our downtown, and further solidify New Haven as the cultural, intellectual and medical capitol of Connecticut," said Rep. Roland Lemar (D-New Haven, East Haven), who spearheaded the funding request as his top legislative priority this past year. "Growing our tax base, creating a vibrant, transit-oriented development, rejoining our neighborhoods, adding 30-40 new storefronts, and turning a parking lot into a pedestrian plaza, 2,800 new jobs, and housing for a growing New Haven? This project is a dream come true and I am thrilled that the work we have done to acquire these dollars is finally coming through."
"I applaud our Governor and everyone involved in making this major development project a reality," said Rep. Juan Candelaria (D-New Haven). "New Haven is moving forward in its revitalization and this significant investment is definitely a huge push towards making our city a leader in technology and economic growth."
State Representative Lou Esposito (D-New Haven, West Haven) said, "The Downtown Crossing project is a high-quality, multi-phase construction project that will serve as a new gateway from West Haven. I am pleased to see it moving forward to Phase II and know that the city has worked hard with firms like Winstanley Enterprises and LiveWorkLearnPlay to make this project a reality."
"We applaud Governor Malloy for his vision and support as we continue to fulfill our vision of reconnecting New Haven's neighborhoods and revitalizing the city," said Alder President Jorge Perez. "Residents throughout New Haven and the region will reap the benefits of this project for years to come."
"We are very excited to take this project to the next level and are targeting to be under construction for next summer," said Max Reim of LiveWorkLearnPlay. "None of this would have been possible without the support and leadership of Governor Malloy, Mayor Harp, the Board of Alders, Congresswoman DeLauro, the New Haven legislative delegation, city staff, and the marvelous New Haven community. We are very grateful for Governor Malloy and his senior staff's leadership and support, and the State's commitment to this project. We look forward to this project helping to generate thousands of new jobs in this City, and to create an exciting, vibrant and enduring place where New Haven Will Welcome the World."
For Immediate Release: October 30, 2014
Contact: Andrew Doba
860-524-7308 (office)
860-770-8090 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy