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Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
September 24, 2014
State to Transfer Land for Creation of the Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary
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(HARTFORD, CT) - Joined by lawmakers and the family of Catherine Violet Hubbard, Governor Dannel P. Malloy today handed over the deed for approximately 34.44 acres of land in Newtown to the Catherine Violet Hubbard Foundation, Inc. during a ceremonial bill signing of Special Act 14-13 , which facilitates the transfer of the state-owned land for the creation of an animal sanctuary and wildlife preserve.
Catherine Violet Hubbard was 6 years old when she was killed on December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Following her death, her parents asked for donations to The Animal Center in Newtown in lieu of flowers and later partnered with the Center to create the vision for the Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary to honor their daughter's love for animals.
"This legislation honors Catherine's deepest passion to love and protect animals of all kinds," said Governor Malloy. "I am proud that the State of Connecticut is able to convey this parcel for the creation of an animal sanctuary in her honor. Catherine so strongly wanted animals to know her kindness. It is beyond inspiring that her love and compassion for animals will live on through this sanctuary for generations to come. I would like to thank First Selectman Llodra and all of the lawmakers for their leadership and support of this bill. I would also like to thank Catherine's parents, Jenny and Matt Hubbard, for allowing their daughter to continue enriching the lives of so many through this project."
The Sanctuary will reflect Catherine's compassion for animals by providing adoptive services for companion animals, refuge for farm animals, and native wildlife rescue and release services. Additional plans for the sanctuary include walking paths, a learning center, a library, educational programs, dog community areas, and butterfly gardens. The parcel of land is located within the Fairfield Hills property located near Old Farm Road in Newtown.
Jenny and Matt Hubbard stated, "The conveyance of this land to the Catherine Violet Hubbard Foundation allows our family to continue its efforts in honoring our daughter's life by providing safe haven to the animals she loved. The Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary will be a place where all creatures will know that we are kind and they are safe - just as Catherine would have it. We are both humbled and grateful for the support and kindness we have received from the governor's office, Department of Agriculture, our local and state legislators, and the Governor."
"The conveyance of this land to the Catherine Violet Hubbard Foundation is a significant step toward the creation of a sanctuary for animals, in honor of a 6 year old with a passion for all creatures, large and small, fuzzy and slimy," said Newtown First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra. "The vision of the sanctuary expressed so eloquently by parents Matt and Jenny Hubbard in honor of their beloved daughter is closer to reality because of the kindness and compassion of many, including legislators, local land use officials, the Department of Agriculture and Governor Malloy."
"This parcel of beautiful land in Newtown will serve as an enduring reminder of Catherine's life and spirit," Sen. Minority Leader John McKinney said. "The Sanctuary will provide a loving, nurturing environment for animals in need of a home. It will be a place of peace as well as a learning center. I thank the Governor, state and town officials, and most especially the Hubbard family for their work in passing this legislation."
Rep. Mitch Bolinsky said, "I'm grateful to legislature, the Governor and the state Commissioner of Agriculture for the conveyance of state land to the Catherine Violet Hubbard Foundation in Newtown (CVH) for the purposes of using the land for an animal sanctuary. This is a worthwhile cause and a wonderful way to honor Catherine's love of animals."
"I am pleased for the Hubbard family and believe this land will be put to great use," Rep. Debralee Hovey said.
The legislation, which Governor Malloy signed in June, requires the Foundation to cover administrative costs of the transfer.
For more information on the Catherine Violet Hubbard Foundation, visit: .
For Immediate Release: September 24, 2014
Contact: Samaia Hernandez
860-524-7314 (office)
860-770-8298 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy