This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
August 6, 2014
Nearly 140,000 Enrollees Were Previously Uninsured
(HARTFORD, CT) - Access Health Connecticut, the state's health care exchange, announced today that new research shows that Connecticut's uninsured rate has dropped by 50 percent since 2012. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the 2012 state's uninsured rate was 7.9 percent. Research being conducted by Access Health CT indicates that figure has now dropped to 4.0 percent. Figures also indicate that of the 256,666 residents who signed up for health insurance through the exchange, approximately 53 percent, or 138,834, were uninsured at the time of enrollment.
"These numbers highlight Connecticut's success in coming together to find ways to provide quality, affordable health care to those who previously didn't have it," said Governor Dannel P. Malloy. "There's still work to be done in terms of driving the uninsured rate even lower, but we're making significant progress and we're moving in the right direction. Credit goes to Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman, Kevin Counihan, and the whole team at Access Health CT."
The comprehensive member research effort contacted over 2,500 individuals who enrolled in health care coverage through Access Health CT during the 2014 open enrollment. The survey was designed to help Access Health CT better understand the overall impact that open enrollment had on the rate of uninsured residents, as well as how consumers learned about the exchange and how they enrolled.
"Strong outreach efforts have enrolled nearly 140,000 people who didn't have insurance-residents who can now get affordable medical care and live healthier lives," said Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman, Chair of the Access Health CT Board of Directors. "These numbers demonstrate how important access to quality, affordable health care is to Connecticut residents and to the quality of life in our state. I applaud the Access Health team and our community partners for their efforts to get the word out and get people covered."
"The effectiveness of our operations and outreach has resulted in one of the lowest uninsured rates of any other state in the country," said Kevin Counihan, Access Health CT CEO. "We are grateful to all of our key partners including the carriers, brokers, outreach workers, state agencies and others who are responsible for this success."
During the 2014 open enrollment period, Access Health CT has enrolled 256,666 Connecticut residents in health care coverage. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services projected that Connecticut would enroll 33,000 consumers in private insurance plans, a target that was exceed in December 2013 and more than doubled in the final tally.
Until open enrollment begins again on November 15, 2014, residents will only be able to shop for coverage through Access Health CT under special circumstances, such as marriage, divorce, birth, adoption or loss of insurance coverage from an employer. For more information about special enrollment, please visit .
For Immediate Release: August 6, 2014
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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy