This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
May 21, 2014
(MIDDLETOWN, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy, joined by Deputy Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) Commissioner Anna M. Barry, today highlighted $11.9 million on the Bond Commission's upcoming agenda to fund the state's annual maintenance and road resurfacing program, which - combined with $57 million in previously approved funding - will repave and repair 264 miles of primary roads around the state following an especially harsh 2013-14 winter season that included record-breaking cold temperatures and 12 snow and ice storms. The various resurfacing projects are expected to create or retain more than 1,900 construction-related jobs.
"With investments like this, we are putting people to work all across Connecticut," Governor Malloy said. "This funding will pay for the resurfacing of some 264 miles of state highways and secondary roads. Our Department of Transportation is keeping our roads in a state of good repair and hiring Connecticut workers to get the job done."
Administered by ConnDOT, the state's Vendor-in-Place program will improve the safety and driving conditions and highway surfaces for travelers. This year's total of 264 miles of road slated for resurfacing reflects the third consecutive year of increases in road resurfacing.
"Our economy depends on the efficient movement of goods and people, and Connecticut car and truck drivers deserve the best roads we can provide," said ConnDOT Deputy Commissioner Barry. "Investments in our transportation infrastructure are smart investments and have a ripple effect throughout our economy. Keeping our roads in good condition keeps our economy in good condition."
Earlier this year, Governor Malloy proposed a state transportation budget for 2015 that represents a 165 percent increase in funding compared to 2010 levels and includes about $1.4 billion to fund the largest transportation capital program in Connecticut's history. The Governor's 2015 transportation budget also restores the dedication of the State Transportation Fund solely for transportation purposes.
"Maintaining the state's infrastructure of roads and highways is a basic function of government that most everyone in the legislature supports," said State Senator Gary D. LeBeau (D-East Hartford), Senate Chairman of the Commerce Committee and Chairman of the Transportation Bonding Subcommittee of the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee. "Not only does this state investment put local people to work, time and time again we have heard from Connecticut business leaders that updated and well-maintained highways add to their profitability and to the convenience of their employees. That's what this state spending helps achieve."
"Our roads took a serious hit with our long, cold winter. I am glad that the state took notice and is making concentrated investments to improving our roads," said State Representative Kim Fawcett (D-Fairfield), Chair of the Finance Committee's Transportation Bonding subcommittee. "I urge the Bond Commission to approve this funding and help to upgrade our transportation infrastructure."
ConnDOT anticipates the availability of approximately $1.8 billion in the total Capital Program funding in Federal Fiscal Year 2014 for all transportation modes. This amount includes approximately $345 million for bus and rail assets and $1.4 billion available for highway and bridge infrastructure. In its 2013 Capital Program, ConnDOT committed approximately $1.6 billion for all transportation modes - road and bridge, railroad and bus and other public transit.
The Bond Commission, chaired by Governor Malloy, is expected to approve the funding at its next meeting at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, May 30, in the Legislative Office Building.
For Immediate Release: May 21, 2014
Contact: Peter Yazbak
860-524-7362 (office)
860-985-5528 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy