This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
April 3, 2014
(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy, together with legislative leaders and a wide array of gun violence prevention organizations, today commemorated the passage of SB1160, the historic legislation passed last year to curb the risk of gun violence.
"In the wake of one of the worst tragedies to befall our state, we took clear and decisive action to make all residents in every one of our cities and towns safer," said Governor Malloy. "The common sense limitations we put in place will make sure that guns are less likely to fall into the hands of someone who shouldn't have one. The investments in school security and the additional steps we are taking to address the challenges in accessing mental services are really the first steps toward longterm improvements in public safety. I want to thank my colleagues in the legislature and the thousands of people who came out to support the measures we put in place."
"The fact remains that, while our laws are strong, as long as Congress fails to act, our residents are not as safe as they could be," continued the Governor. "Congress needs to act on common sense gun reform, and they need to do it today."
Among the many provisions in the bill, the law bans the sale and possession of assault weapons and large capacity magazines, requires a clean record, safety training and a permit to buy rifles, shotguns and ammunition, whether it is from a gun store or private sale. The state now requires background checks and training for the purchase of all categories of guns. Additionally, convicted felons caught with ammunition now face the same penalty as they would if they got caught with a firearm. The bill also increased funding for mental health treatment and school security
Governor Malloy also released statistics that have been compiled as different components of the statute were implemented.

To date, 50,242 assault certifications have been received and 38,209 gun owners filed declarations listing the number and type of large capacity magazines they owned. Some declarations contained hundreds of individual magazines. The state has also issued 2,592 ammunition certificates and received 61 eligibility certificates for long guns.

In addition, 1,747 pistol permits were revoked for reasons including drunk driving, mental health commitments, restraining and protective orders in domestic violence cases, and 210 people tried to buy rifles and shotguns and were denied when background checks turned up felony convictions, undocumented alien status and domestic violence charges.
"One year ago, in the wake of the devastating tragedy at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Democrats and Republicans in Connecticut worked together to pass the most effective and comprehensive legislation in the nation concerning gun violence prevention, school security, and mental health," said Senate President Donald E. Williams, Jr. (D-Brooklyn). "Our successful bipartisan effort stands in stark contrast to Congress and those states that are mired in gridlock and partisanship on issues that affect the safety of our children."
"In the wake of the Newtown tragedy, Connecticut tackled issues of gun violence reduction, school security and access to our mental health care system," said Senate Majority Leader Martin M. Looney (D-New Haven). "Where Washington and other states have failed, Connecticut led the way with a bipartisan approach that culminated in the strongest, most comprehensive reforms in the nation."
"We proved to the country last year in an historic vote that effective, common sense gun safety laws can be passed in a bipartisan manner," said Speaker of the House Brendan Sharkey (D-Hamden). "We are already beginning to see the positive impact this legislation is having, including keeping guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them. Ultimately, to truly reduce gun violence in this country we need Congress to act, and I encourage them to use our legislation as a model."
The Governor was joined by Greater Danbury Brady Campaign, Connecticut Against Gun Violence, The Enough Campaign, Greenwich Council Against Gun Violence, League of Women Voters, March for Change, Moms Demand Action, Mothers United Against Violence, Newtown Action Alliance, Peace in Connecticut, Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, Sandy Hook Ride, Trinity Episcopal Church, The Unitarian Church of Westport, United Action of Connecticut, United Physicians of Newtown, Women on Watch and YANA (You Are Not Alone).
For Immediate Release: April 3, 2014
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy