This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
February 17, 2014
Plan Released for Second Tranche of Federal CDBG Funding, Residents Invited To Weigh-In
(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the state Department of Housing (DOH) has released for public comment an action plan that outlines how the state will distribute $66 million in federal Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG- DR) funding to continue the state's Super Storm Sandy mitigation efforts. Governor Malloy invited residents to visit the state's official CT Recovers website to review and submit comments on the plan. A period for public comment began February 14, 2014 and will end on March 20, 2014.

"Immediately in the wake of Super Storm Sandy, we aggressively began pursuing federal funding to assist the thousands of individuals, families, and small businesses impacted by that historic storm. With this second allocation of CDBG money, we see our hard work is now paying off," said Governor Malloy. "Once this funding is approved, we want to ensure that it is put to the best possible use, helping the communities and people who need it the most. We want the public's help with this and are inviting residents and other stakeholders to give us their input by visiting our official disaster recovery website, reviewing our action plan and submitting a comment."

To date, more than $500 million in federal assistance has been approved to help Connecticut with damages and expenses in the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy. Last July, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which administers the CDBG-DR program, provided $71.82 million to Connecticut after approving its action plan to help residents, businesses and communities recover and rebuild after Super Storm Sandy. In November, HUD announced a second allocation of CDBG-DR funding in the amount of $66 million. Before the state can receive any portion of this funding, DOH must submit a finalized action plan and obtain its approval by HUD as a condition for the CDBG-DR program.

"The public has an important role to play in determining how we spend these federal dollars, so it is my hope they take the time to read the plan and let their voices be heard," said DOH Commissioner Evonne Klein.

As the principal state agency administering the CDBG-DR program, DOH plans to use the funding to address any remaining unmet housing needs that resulted from Super Storm Sandy, such as rehabilitation and resiliency planning activities for impacted homeowners. In addition, $30 million of the $66 million total is targeted for infrastructure projects and only projects in Fairfield, New London, New Haven, and Middlesex counties and the Mashantucket Pequot tribal area are eligible for assistance.

Connecticut's action plan is now available for review and public comment at . Drafted by DOH, the action plan details the parameters by which the state's second tranche of CDBG-DR funding will be allocated and the guidelines for the application process that will follow once funds are approved by HUD. Public comments on the plan must be e-mailed to DOH at by midnight on March 20.
For Immediate Release: February 17, 2014
Contact: Peter Yazbak
860-524-7362 (office)
860-985-5528 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy