This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
July 26, 2013
Projects Will Create or Retain Nearly 20,000 Construction-Related Jobs
(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the State Bond Commission on Friday approved more than $537 million in state funds to finance a series of construction and maintenance projects through the Connecticut Department of Transportation's (ConnDOT) capital infrastructure program, including 250 lane miles of state highway resurfacing and more than 40 bridge restoration projects around the state. Much of the funding will be used to leverage about $600 million in federal transportation aid to update, strengthen and improve the safety of Connecticut's highways, bridges, rail and transit systems. Combined, the more than $1 billion in state and federal funding is expected to create or retain nearly 20,000 construction-related jobs.
"With this funding, we are investing in jobs for Connecticut residents, strengthening and updating our aging roadways and bridges, making travel safer and, in the long-run, improving our transportation infrastructure to encourage economic development and attract new business to the state," said Governor Malloy. "We are taking the smart approach by tackling these maintenance projects now, so we aren't paying more out-of-pocket down the road when our highways and bridges reach the end of their design life. I am committed to bringing our transportation system into the 21st Century and, with the help of federal dollars, the funding allocated in this bond package is a large step towards that goal."
The Governor highlighted an allocation of $113 million for ConnDOT's Interstate Highway Program to construct, resurface or restore several major interstate highway segments, including Pavement Preservation Projects on I-95 in Groton and I-84 in Vernon, widening I-84 in Waterbury between Exits 22 and 25A, reconstruction at Exits 5 & 6 and Route 37 in Danbury, and funds for the continuation of the Q Bridge I-95 New Haven Harbor Crossing Corridor Improvement Program. The state funding will be supplemented by nearly $300 million in federal transportation aid. The various highway projects will create or sustain about 4,200 direct construction-related jobs and more than 5,200 supplier jobs, which include designers, planners and materials suppliers.
ConnDOT's State Bridge Program will be allocated $33 million to rehabilitate or replace over 30 existing bridges across the state which is expected to create or retain 653 direct construction-related jobs and 805 supplier jobs. Approximately $50 million in federal aid will be leveraged from the use of the requested State Bridge bond funds.

The Bond Commission also allocated more than $115 million for the Fix-it-First State Bridges and Roads program to rehabilitate and reconstruct several roadways and bridges on the state highway system. The "fix-it-first" approach ensures that preventive maintenance and repair of existing roads are the highest priority for spending, which reduces maintenance costs later, supports business and residential investment in areas already served by transportation infrastructure, and creates immediate jobs. The Fix-it-First projects will create or retain a total of 1,074 construction-related jobs and 1,327 supplier jobs.
"Our transportation infrastructure must be constantly maintained and, whenever possible, upgraded," said ConnDOT Commissioner James P. Redeker. "This funding directly supports our mission and commitment to the people of Connecticut to manage our roads, bridges, rails, buses and waterways and keep them as safe as possible."
In addition, the Bond Commission allocated $14.2 million for ConnDOT's Capital Resurfacing and Related Construction Program. The funding will go toward capital resurfacing and expressway upgrades along various state routes, including Pavement Preservation projects on I-84 in Southington/Cheshire and Route 15 in Stratford/Milford. Approximately $56.9 million in federal aid will be leveraged from the use of little more than half of the Capital Resurfacing bonds requested. These projects will create or retain 143 construction-related jobs.
For Immediate Release: July 26, 2013
Contact: Peter Yazbak
860-524-7362 (office)
860-985-5528 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy