Press Releases
(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Secretary of the State Denise Merrill today announced that as of this morning, all state agency regulations have now been made electronically available to the public through the State of Connecticut's website at
. In addition to an accessible database of state agency regulations, the new eRegulations website will also contain all agency notices of intent to adopt new regulations, as well as all emergency regulations.
"Since taking office, my administration has made it a top priority to improve efficiency and transparency in state government, in part by using technology to make public records and government services more accessible to residents," said Governor Malloy. "Regulations, just like the General Statutes, are law, and the people of Connecticut have a right to know when there are new regulations or changes to existing regulations that may affect them without having to purchase an expensive subscription to a legal research service. That's why, starting today, we are making all state regulations electronically accessible to taxpayers."
Governor Malloy added, "Making state regulations, services and information resources available to the public in an easily accessible format online is one of the ways that we will continue to make Connecticut a better place to live, work and do business."
Although the site is effective on July 1, it will temporarily fill an information void until a more comprehensive eRegulations system is established next summer. The eRegulations system will provide real-time access to all state regulations with robust searching capabilities and will make the state's regulation process more accessible, efficient and transparent. Features will include full access to the regulation-making record, the ability to easily track where a proposed regulatory change is in the process, and email notifications.
"The site we are announcing today is temporary, but we have been talking about putting our regulations online for over ten years," said Secretary Merrill. "We now have the ability to provide the regulated community with basic access to all state regulations, so I decided to move forward with this temporary measure, consistent with the core mission of my office. While the public and regulated community should be gratified that the regulations are now online, I think they will be very pleased when the new system is unveiled next year."
The rollout of the temporary eRegulations site corresponds with other changes required by
Public Act 13-274
, which was introduced by Governor Malloy and unanimously approved by the General Assembly this session. The other changes include:
Notices of intent will no longer be printed in the Connecticut Law Journal, a publication of the state Judicial Branch, and all notices will now be posted on the Secretary of the State's website. The public comment period will be triggered when notices of intent are posted.
All emergency regulations, along with the Governor's approval letter as required by existing statute, will be posted on the Secretary of the State's website.
Regulations approved by the General Assembly's Regulation Review Committee will continue to be published in the Connecticut Law Journal until the new system is implemented, however copies will also be posted on the Secretary of the State's website.
For Immediate Release: July 1, 2013
Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy
- Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
- Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy