This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
October 6, 2011
(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the State of Connecticut is among seven states selected by the National Governors Association (NGA) to participate in a national Policy Academy that will assist states in developing and implementing successful economic development strategies focused on the growth of advanced manufacturing industries.
The Policy Academy will help evaluate and address the major policy and implementation challenges and opportunities within each of the participating states for world-class manufacturing and future success in the global economy. It will also assist each state develop a plan, or overcome barriers to putting a plan into action, that would improve the general environment for innovation and align state research and development investments, workforce development and education systems with the current and future needs of the state's advanced manufacturing industries.
"We must reinvent Connecticut and focus on the industries that are leading the way in the 21st century economy," Governor Malloy said. "Connecticut has an ideal location, a great quality of life and a highly-educated workforce. We have all the pieces - now we just need to work together to make them fit to create new jobs and grow our economy."
An NGA Policy Academy is a highly interactive, team-based process for helping a select number of states develop and implement an action plan to address a complex public policy issue. Participating states will receive guidance and technical assistance from NGA staff, experts from the U.S. Department of Commerce NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program, the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration, the State Science and Technology Institute, and consultants from the private sector, research organizations and academia.
In addition to Connecticut, other states chosen for the Policy Academy include Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania. The strategies and policies developed by the selected states are intended to serve as ideas and best practices for all states.
The first Policy Academy meeting will take place on October 6 and 7. For more information, please visit
For Immediate Release: October 6, 2011
Contact: David Bednarz
860-524-7315 (office)
860-770-9792 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy