Due to public health concerns, CONTESTED CASE HEARINGS scheduled for the weeks of March 16 and March 23 are POSTPONED. The regular meeting of the FOI Commission scheduled for March 25, 2020, is CANCELED.

 RULES: Essays must be typed and double-spaced, be at least 250 words but no more than 600 and post marked or emailed no later than April 7, 2006.

Essays should be mailed to:
The Connecticut Foundation for Open Government, c/o The Lakeville Journal, PO Box 1688, Lakeville, CT  06039 or emailed to fcpww2@sbcglobal.net.
Winners will be announced by May 12, 2006.
Choose one of the following questions to answer:
1.) The Freedom of Information Act was adopted in Connecticut in 1975, partly as a protest against government secrecy after the Watergate scandal in Washington, D.C.  Do you believe it's important for the government to be open in its dealings, or that our government should operate in some some measure of secrecy?
2.) The percentage of eligible voters going to the polls to cast votes in elections have been declining in recent years.  This decline has been particular noticeable among young voters.  Do you consider the fact that 50 per cent or less of those eligible actually vote a serious problem and why?
3.) Should a news reporter go to jail for refusing to disclose a confidential source, and if so, under what circumstances?
First Prize: $1000
Second Prize: $500 Third Prize: $300
Honorable Mentions: $50
1st Place Essay -  Kevin Holle - East Lyme High School
2nd Place Essay - Sam Harris - Ridgefield High School
3rd Place Essay - Jessica Doucette - East Lyme High School
Honorable Mention Essays
Alex Shih - Ridgefield High School
Lobna Elsaraty - Housatonic  Regional High School
Rebecca Palmer - Housatonic Regional High School
 The essays may include exhibits but they are not required.
For general information on the state's Freedom of Information laws,
check the Internet at www.state.ct.us/foi