Commissioner Welch wishes all Connecticut Veterans, and their families and supporting neighbors the best during this holiday season. We at the Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs are honored and privileged to serve those who served. The DVA has executed its mission supporting Veterans and their families since 1864. To view Commissioner Welch’s holiday message please open pdf document

Veterans' Charitable Organization Listing


Pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. Section 27-100f a Connecticut Qualified Veterans' Charitable Organization will be placed on a list maintained by the Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs for a period of three years. Veterans organizations may apply for inclusion on the list by submitting the completed application.

Disclaimer: The list is prepared for the public solely for informational purposes as required by C.G.S Section 27-100f  and does not constitute an endorsement by the state of Connecticut of any organization on the list or a warranty of the organizations practices or the accuracy of the information reported to the State.