Commissioner Welch wishes all Connecticut Veterans, and their families and supporting neighbors the best during this holiday season. We at the Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs are honored and privileged to serve those who served. The DVA has executed its mission supporting Veterans and their families since 1864. To view Commissioner Welch’s holiday message please open pdf document


Veterans, who have ninety (90) days of wartime service, including Merchant Marines who served during WWII, are eligible for a $1,500 exemption for property tax purposes (e.g., real estate property or automobiles).

Veterans below a certain income level and/or disabled veterans are eligible for additional property tax exemptions. Surviving spouses of veterans may also be eligible for this benefit. Contact your municipality’s Tax Assessor Officer for specific details. [(CGS Sec. 12-81, CGS sec. 12-81g)

An exemption is the reduction of the property’s assessed value for tax purposes. (CGS Sec. 12-81).