
Dog Tick and Lone Star Tick


Tularemia is a rare disease caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. It can be spread to people through the bite of an infected American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis) or Lone Star tick (Amblyomma americanum), the bite of an infected deer fly, or contact with tissues of an infected animal. Treatment is available and is dependent on the signs and symptoms. There are several forms of infection. The most common form causes a skin ulcer at the site where bacteria entered the body. Tularemia is on the list of potential bioterrorism pathogens. The best way to prevent tularemia is to prevent tick bites.


About Tularemia


Information for Clinicians


Clinical Guidance (CDC)

National Surveillance Case Definition


Connecticut Provider Reporting Information – Category 1 disease, call DPH to report

Reportable Disease Confidential Case Report form, PD-23

Connecticut Laboratory Reporting Information

Reportable Laboratory Findings form, OL-15C


Directory of Clinical Testing Services provided by the State Public Health Laboratory

State Public Health Laboratory Contacts – for additional information


Tick-borne Diseases of the United States – a Reference Manual for Healthcare Providers


Connecticut Tularemia Surveillance


The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) added Tularemia to the list of state-wide reportable Category 1 diseases in 1999. Diseases classified as Category 1 are reportable immediately by phone on the day of recognition or strong suspicion of disease. Tularemia is on the reportable list of possible bioterrorism agents. There have been no reported cases of Tularemia in Connecticut since surveillance began.  

Cases of Tularemia reported to the DPH from January 1 – December 31, 2019.




Connecticut Annual Infectious Diseases Statistics




This page last updated 1/15/2020.