Food service worker coughing and sweating


Ill Food Worker

Educational Campaign


The Food Protection Program of the Connecticut

Department of Public Health has designed this educational campaign as part of a Health Impact Study funded in part by the CDC’s Environmental Health Specialist Network (EHSNet)*. 


The study objective is to decrease the occurrence of restaurant-associated norovirus outbreaks potentially caused by food workers working while ill with vomiting or diarrhea by educating food workers and managers. 


The materials have been developed to: inform workers of the need to report illness and to not work when they are ill; assist management in promoting open communication with food workers; provide a resource for additional information on employee health policies; increase reporting of illness by food workers to management; and increase the required reporting of ill food workers by management to the local health department. 


Campaign Educational Materials:


Food Worker Poster            English, Spanish, Chinese                

Manager Poster                   English, Spanish, Chinese       

Manager Pamphlet                 English, Spanish, Chinese    


Additional Resources for Local Health Department Staff:


n  Circular Letter 2009-48 Connecticut Ill Food Worker Educational Campaign

n  Circular Letter 2008-38 Updated Guidelines for Reporting & Controlling Ill Food Workers

n  Guidelines for Restricting Food Service Workers from Commercial Food Establishments

n  Talking Points Flyer/Employee Health Policy Recommendations

n  A sample reporting agreement for Food Workers


Posters and pamphlets have been provided to local health departments throughout Connecticut for distribution to Class III & IV food service establishments.  Additional copies of the posters and pamphlets can be obtained by contacting your local health department or the Food Protection Program.


*EHSNet: (pronounced S-Net) is a collaborative forum of environmental health specialists whose mission is to improve environmental health.