Section 811 Project-Based Rental Assistance Program (CT811)
History: The Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2010 modernized and reformed HUD's Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program, creating the opportunity to develop thousands of new permanent supportive housing units integrated within affordable housing properties. These reforms created the new Section 811 Project-Based Rental Assistance (PRA) program.

Purpose: The Section 811 PRA program offers project-based rental assistance for extremely low-income persons with disabilities who are between the ages of 18 and 62. PRA subsidies are provided to project owners on behalf of families that are eligible at the time of their admission by the project owners to the program. HUD defines “extremely low-income” families as those whose annual incomes do not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the median income for the area in which the project is located, adjusted for family size, and as determined by HUD at least annually.

Source of Funding: Federal Appropriations: The Department of Housing was awarded a grant in March 2015 and has signed a 20-year Cooperative Agreement with HUD to administer the Section 811 PRA program in the State of Connecticut, referred to as the CT811 program.

Process: Project owners enter into a Rental Assistance Contract (RAC) with DOH to set aside a number of CT811 units at an eligible multifamily housing project. DOH will refer clients to the project when there is a vacancy or anticipated vacancy of a CT811 unit. DOH is currently in Phase 1 of our production initiative and are in the process of identifying eligible projects and interested owners who wish to participate in the CT811 program.
Program Materials

HUD Documents

Program Information

Program Plans

Web Resources

HUD Section 811 Portal
HUD Exchange Section 811 PRA
Technical Assistance Collaborative

For More Information Contact:

Tawny Pho
Phone: 860-270-8091
Fax: 860-706-5741