Nutrition and Food Services

201 West Main Street
Niantic, CT 06357
Phone: (860) 451-3249
Fax: (860) 451-3250

This Unit provides more than 20,750,000 meals per year to meet the varied nutritional needs of the incarcerated population within Connecticut's 17 correctional facilities.   Through innovative initiatives and the aggressive search for economic food purchases, this unit produces three meals a day for each inmate at a total cost of just over $2.30.

The Unit utilizes a modern Cook/Chill production method, which from one main production kitchen at the York Correctional Institution, annually produces 5,000,000 pounds of wholesome and nutritious meals for all 18,500 offenders including special therapeutic and religious menus.

The Unit has been recognized by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture for supporting local farmers by purchasing and utilizing more than 5,000 pounds of locally grown produce, at less cost and higher nutritional value than commercially prepared fruits and vegetables.

The food service staff at several correctional facilities offer culinary arts training programs to the offender population.  These have proven highly successful in preparing offenders for gainful employment upon completion of their incarceration. 

The Nutrition and Food Services Unit future projects include enhancing staff training, gaining compliance with American Correctional Association accreditation, and producing a new master menu with updated recipes.