The Department of Banking News Bulletin 

Bulletin # 1853
Week Ending August 27, 1999

This bulletin constitutes the only official notification you will receive from this office concerning any of the following applications. Any observations you may have are solicited. Any comments should be in writing to John P. Burke, Banking Commissioner, at the Connecticut Department of Banking, 260 Constitution Plaza, Hartford, CT 06103-1800 or via E-mail to Written comments will be considered only if they are received within ten days from the date of this bulletin.

Branch Activity

Section 36a-145 of the Connecticut General Statutes requires that each application for a branch, or for a limited branch at which loans will be made, be accompanied by a plan detailing how adequate services to meet the banking needs of all community residents will be provided. Plans are submitted when such applications are filed and are available for public inspection and comment at this Department for a period of 30 days. Questions concerning branch activity should be directed to the Bank Examination Division, (860) 240-8180.
Note: dates are listed in month/day/year format.

Date Bank Location Activity
8/24/99 The Guilford Savings Bank
FROM: 50 Boston Street
Guilford, CT 06437
TO: One Park Street
Guilford, CT 06437
filed to
11/19/99 Glastonbury Bank & Trust
Company, Glastonbury
902 Main Street
Glastonbury, CT 06033


These legal holidays are not to be construed as bank holidays. Individual banks and credit unions may, at their option, close or remain open for business on a full or partial basis. Notice to this department will not be required. However, the institution shall give at least two weeks' advance notice to their customers of holiday openings and closings by posting such notice in the lobby of each office.

Legal Holiday Day Observed
New Year's Day Friday, December 31, 1999
Martin Luther King's Day Monday, January 17, 2000
Lincoln's Birthday Friday, February 11, 2000
Washington's Birthday Monday, February 21, 2000
Good Friday Friday, April 21, 2000 *
Memorial Day Monday, May 29, 2000
Independence Day Tuesday, July 4, 2000
Labor Day Monday, September 4, 2000
Columbus Day Monday, October 9, 2000
Veterans' Day Friday, November 10, 2000
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 23, 2000 **
Christmas Day Monday, December 25, 2000

For the year 2001 the first holiday will be January 1, New Year's Day and will be observed on Monday, January 1, 2001.
* The day which will be designated by the Governor as a day of Fasting and Prayer.
** The day which will be designated by the Governor as a day of Thanksgiving.


On July 26, 1999, pursuant to the provisions of Section 36a-437(g) of the Connecticut General Statutes, Connecticut State Employees Credit Union, Inc. requested approval to amend its certificate of organization to change its subsidiary office location from 121 North Eagleville Road, Storrs, Connecticut to 1244 Storrs Road, Route 195, Storrs, Connecticut.


On August 27, 1999, an application was filed by GreenPoint Financial Corp., a Delaware corporation, to establish an office of its subsidiary, GreenPoint Mortgage Funding, Inc., a New York corporation, at 2 Enterprise Drive, Suite 300, Shelton, Connecticut.

Dated: Tuesday, August 31, 1999

John P. Burke
Banking Commissioner