Aquaculture Business Development & Assistance

What is aquaculture?

Aquaculture is the business of farming aquatic plants and animals. It includes operations such as growing shellfish on underwater leases in Long Island Sound to raising trout or hybrid striped bass in inland freshwater tank farms.

During the next decade, aquaculture is expected to be among the top ten growth industries in the United States. Currently, aquaculture is the nation's fastest growing agricultural business. Connecticut leads the northeast in aquaculture production by virtue of its oyster industry.

Lead State Agency - Department of Agriculture

Connecticut General Statutes Section 26-192a designates the Department of Agriculture as the State's lead agency for aquaculture regulation, development and coordination. The Department chairs an interagency planning and steering committee which includes the Departments of Environmental Protection, Consumer Protection and Economic Development. The committee is developing a comprehensive strategy for the planned development of aquaculture in Connecticut. The strategy will address regulatory issues, marketing opportunities, disease control, aquaculture for natural stock enhancement and financial assistance programs for aquaculturists. For further information, please visit the following links or contact David Carey, Director of the Department's Bureau of Aquaculture and Laboratory in Milford (203) 874-0696.

To learn more about extension programs in marine aquaculture, contact: Connecticut Sea Grant (860) 405-9104

For additional information on crustaceans and/or finfish contact: Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Marine Fisheries in Old Lyme at (860) 434-6043.