Central Issuance of Driver Licenses and ID Cards
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Central Issuance?
To increase the security of customer identities, and reduce the opportunity for identity theft, DMV no longer prints Driver License and ID cards in DMV offices, participating AAA locations, Milford and North Haven Nutmeg State Financial Credit Union or West Haven City Hall and distributes them from there. Instead they are printed and mailed from a secure central facility. You will receive a Temporary Paper Credential (TPC) during your office visit and you can expect to receive your permanent card in the mail within 20 calendar days at the address you provided to DMV.
How does Central Issuance protect me against identity theft and fraud?
The 20-day turnaround from the time you apply for a license to when you receive it in the mail gives the DMV time to verify applicants. We check to ensure applicants have not already received one or more driver licenses or identification cards under different names. We also make certain applicants aren’t using a fraudulent or stolen Social Security number, immigration card, or birth certificate. If identity fraud or theft is suspected, we are able to suspend production of the driver license for further investigation.
How will this change the way I apply for my driver license?
There are no changes to the application requirements for a Driver License. The change occurs in the printing process. Instead of leaving the office with your permanent card, you will receive a Temporary Paper Credential (TPC) and can expect to receive your permanent card in the mail within 20 calendar days at the address you provided the DMV.
What is the MOST IMPORTANT THING to know about central issuance?
DMV urges drivers to renew their licenses early. Do not wait until your license or ID card expires, which is on your birthday. By coming in early, you continue to use your currently valid license or ID card. Connecticut driver licenses can be renewed as early as six months prior to the driver’s birthday renewal date.
Why is renewing early so important?
Activities such as boarding airplanes and completing financial transactions will be easier with your permanent card in your possession.
How long am I going to have to wait at the DMV for all additional security checks to be completed?
Your wait time at a DMV office may be less with a centralized production method. With central issuance you don’t have to wait for the permanent license to be produced. You leave the office with the TPC—which takes a few seconds to print. All security checks are done after you leave the DMV office.
What can I do with the Temporary Paper Credential (TPC)?
The Temporary Paper Credential (TPC) is valid for driving purposes and other forms of identification. For instance, you may register a vehicle with your TPC if you already hold a Connecticut license. Banks, retail, alcohol and other outlets that use licenses and ID cards for identity should not accept the Temporary Paper Credential as a stand-alone document, but only accept it with the expiring license or ID card.
Can I board a plane with a Temporary Paper Credential (TPC)?
TSA will NOT accept a Temporary Paper Credential (TPC) as a standalone document. It will accept the expiring or expired card with the TPC as proof of the renewal. Customers should visit TSA’s website which contains detailed information on the identity documents they will accept: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/identification
What information is contained on the Temporary Paper Credential (TPC)?
The Temporary Paper Credential (TPC) contains a graphic of the credential (front and back) you applied for, including a black and white image, demographic information (name, address, etc.), and credential information (endorsements, restrictions, etc.). The TPC also contains the expiration date of the temporary document as well as a website to track the status of your permanent card.
Even if it comes from a secure, centralized location, isn’t sending a driver license by mail less secure than handing it to the applicant?
No. The mailing process used to send driver licenses and IDs is similar to that used by the financial services industry to send your credit and debit cards. There is no indication on the outside of the envelope that it contains a driver license or ID card. If a license can’t be delivered, it will be returned to the DMV. Also, mailing the driver license and ID card helps DMV ensure applicants provide us with legitimate addresses.
What if I do not receive my new driver license within the 20 calendar-day period provided by the Temporary Paper Credential (TPC)?
If you have not received your driver license within 20 calendar days from the issue date of your Temporary Paper Credential (TPC) , you must contact DMV at 860-263-5700 (Within Hartford area or outside of Connecticut) or 800-842-8222 (elsewhere in Connecticut).
Will DMV mail my new driver license to a forwarding address?
No, your new driver license will only be mailed to the mailing address you provide to DMV.
Why did Connecticut decide to move to central issuance?
It provides greater security and helps to protect against identity fraud. Under the federal Real ID Act of 2005, Connecticut chose an option to make these licenses and ID cards more secure. New and renewed credentials will be produced at a secure location that meets federal requirements for both safeguarding the raw materials used to produce licenses and IDs as well as mailing them to customers.
Are other states doing Central Issuance?
Yes. In fact the majority of U.S. states have moved to centralized production of driver licenses and ID cards for the same reasons as Connecticut did. This method enables us to increase the security of the card itself as well as the overall issuance process. This protects you from identity fraud as well as enables us to work more efficiently to improve our service to you.
Is a Temporary Paper Credential (TPC) issued when an address change or name change is made to the driver license?
A Temporary Paper Credential is issued when the customer makes a material change. The customer must wait to receive the new license by mail. Customers can retain the license or ID provided there are no changes other than the address. For address changes, there is no change in the procedure of notifying DMV of the new address. A marker can be used to write the new address on the reverse side of the TPC.
Can a new Connecticut driver (teenager, driver from another state) use a Temporary Paper Credential (TPC) for driving before his/her license arrives?
Yes. A new driver can use the Temporary Paper Credential (TPC) to drive. Law enforcement can verify the information on the TPC.
If I recently moved to Connecticut, how does Central Issuance affect me?
You will be issued a Temporary Paper Credential (TPC) and DMV will keep your out-of-state license. Your permanent one will be mailed within 20 calendar days.
How will customers who are not served by U.S. Post Office home delivery obtain their new driver licenses or ID cards from DMV?
If they live in an undeliverable mail zone not served by the U.S. Post Office, DMV will mail his or her driver license to his or her U.S. Post Office box.
Who should customers contact for additional information about the new program?
Customers may visit ct.gov/dmv or call 860-263-5700 (Within Hartford area or outside of Connecticut) or 800-842-8222 (elsewhere in Connecticut).