Connecticut Stream Flow Classifications

Map of Final Adopted Stream Flow Classifications to date
Public Notice of Adopted Stream Flow Classifications for the
Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins
Procedures to Classify Waters
The process of classifying the streams and rivers of the State of Connecticut are provided for and detailed in Section 26-141b-5 of the Regulations: The proposed stream flow classification of a stream or river segment is based on ecological conditions and human use characteristics, and determines flow management goals and applicable flow standards for that segment. Proposed stream flow classifications were developed using known information on factors indicative of the degree of human alteration of natural stream flow, environmental flow needs and existing and future needs for public water supply.

Stream Flow Classification Fact Sheet
Detailed Stream Flow Classification Methodology
Salmon River, Colchester
Archival Documents for the Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins:
Archival Documents for the Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins:
The stream flow classifications for the Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins were finalized as of March 13, 2019.
Public notice of final map of Stream Flow Classifications for the Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins - March 13, 2019. Published in the Connecticut Law Journal March 26, 2019.
Public notice of Proposed Stream Flow Classifications for the Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins - June 12, 2018
Statement of Reasons: Response to comments Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins - March 26, 2019.
Public Comments Received on the Stream Flow Classification of the Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins:
Exhibit Submitted by
1 Brian V. Carey, Town of Fairfield
2 Len DeJong, Pomperaug River Watershed, Coalition
3 J. Hudak, South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority
4 Thomas J. Steinke
5 Michael S. Jastremski, Housatonic Valley Association
6 Daniel R. Lawrence, Aquarion Water Company
7 David L. Radka, Connecticut Water Company
2 Len DeJong, Pomperaug River Watershed, Coalition
3 J. Hudak, South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority
4 Thomas J. Steinke
5 Michael S. Jastremski, Housatonic Valley Association
6 Daniel R. Lawrence, Aquarion Water Company
7 David L. Radka, Connecticut Water Company
Archival Documents for Connecticut River Basin:
The stream flow classification for the Connecticut River Basin were finalized as of February 9, 2018.
Public notice of final map of Stream Flow Classifications for the Connecticut River Basin - February 9, 2018. Published in the Connecticut Law Journal February 20, 2018.Public notice of Proposed Stream Flow Classifications for the Connecticut River Basin
Statement of Reasons: Response to comments Connecticut River Basin - February 9, 2018.
Public Comments Received on the Stream Flow Classification of the Connecticut River Basin:
Exhibit Submitted by
1 David L. Radka, Connecticut Water Company
2 Frank C. DeFelice and Debra A. DeFelice, Durham
3a Patricia Young, Salmon River Watershed Partnership
3b Patricia Young, Eightmile River Watershed
4 Robert J. Young, Middletown Water & Sewer Department
5 Scott W. Jellison, The Metropolitan District Commission
6 Bonnie Reemsnyder, Old Lyme First Selectwoman
1 David L. Radka, Connecticut Water Company
2 Frank C. DeFelice and Debra A. DeFelice, Durham
3a Patricia Young, Salmon River Watershed Partnership
3b Patricia Young, Eightmile River Watershed
4 Robert J. Young, Middletown Water & Sewer Department
5 Scott W. Jellison, The Metropolitan District Commission
6 Bonnie Reemsnyder, Old Lyme First Selectwoman
Archival Documents for South Central Coastal River Basin:
The stream flow classifications for the South Central Coastal River Basin were finalized as of September 6, 2016.
Public notice of final map of Stream Flow Classifications for the South Central Coastal River Basin - September 6, 2016
Public Notice of Proposed Stream Flow Classifications for the South Central Coastal River Basin - April 22, 2015
Public Comments Received on the Stream Flow Classification of the South Central Coastal River Basins
Exhibit Submitted by
1 Frank DeLeo, Chair, West River Restoration and Flood Mitigation Committee, Woodbridge
1 Frank DeLeo, Chair, West River Restoration and Flood Mitigation Committee, Woodbridge
2 John Hudak, Regional Water Authority
3 Mary M. Mushinsky, State Representative 85th District
4 David L. Radka, Connecticut Water Company
5 Erik A. Krueger, Town of Wallingford Water Division
6 Margaret Miner, Rivers Alliance of Connecticut
7 Ellen Blaschinski, Public Health Branch Chief
3 Mary M. Mushinsky, State Representative 85th District
4 David L. Radka, Connecticut Water Company
5 Erik A. Krueger, Town of Wallingford Water Division
6 Margaret Miner, Rivers Alliance of Connecticut
7 Ellen Blaschinski, Public Health Branch Chief
Archival Documents for Southeast Coastal, Pawcatuck and Thames Major Basins:
The stream flow classifications for the Southeast Coastal, Pawcatuck and Thames Major River Basins were finalized as of October 7, 2014.
Public notice of final map of Stream Flow Classifications for the Southeast Coastal, Pawcatuck and Thames Major River Basins - October 7, 2014
Public Notice of Proposed Stream Flow Classifications Southeast Coastal, Pawcatuck and Thames Major River Basins - September 18, 2013
Public Comments Received on the Stream Flow Classification of the Southeast Coastal, Pawcatuck and Thames Basins:
Exhibit Submitted by
1 John Dyson, Warren Corporation, Stafford Springs
2 Lee Dunbar, Resident, Mansfield
3 Brad Kargl, East Lyme Water and Sewer Commission
4 Colleen Bezanson, Montville Planning Department
1 John Dyson, Warren Corporation, Stafford Springs
2 Lee Dunbar, Resident, Mansfield
3 Brad Kargl, East Lyme Water and Sewer Commission
4 Colleen Bezanson, Montville Planning Department
7 Richard Stevens, Groton Utilities
8 Mark Decker/John Bilda, Norwich Public Utilities
9 Will Bullard/Sean Heaney, Department of the Navy
10 Greg Leonard/Ed Monahan, Southeast CT Water Authority
11 James Butler/Robert Congdon/Chris Clark, Southeast CT COG
12 Dave Murphy, Milone and MacBroom
13 Mark Smith, The Nature Conservancy
14 Elizabeth Gara, Connecticut Water Works Association
15 Maureen Fitzgerald, Environmental Planner, Town of Waterford
16 James Paggioli, Colchester Public Works
8 Mark Decker/John Bilda, Norwich Public Utilities
9 Will Bullard/Sean Heaney, Department of the Navy
10 Greg Leonard/Ed Monahan, Southeast CT Water Authority
11 James Butler/Robert Congdon/Chris Clark, Southeast CT COG
12 Dave Murphy, Milone and MacBroom
13 Mark Smith, The Nature Conservancy
14 Elizabeth Gara, Connecticut Water Works Association
15 Maureen Fitzgerald, Environmental Planner, Town of Waterford
16 James Paggioli, Colchester Public Works
17 Margaret Miner, Rivers Alliance of Connecticut
18 John Walsh, Aquarion
19 David Radka, Connecticut Water Company
18 John Walsh, Aquarion
19 David Radka, Connecticut Water Company
Connecticut Stream Flow Standards and Regulations Main Page
Content updated on March 3, 2020