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Establish Project Goals

(PREPARED Municipal Workbook)

Complete these 3 steps to identify the desired outcomes for your reuse project.

  1. Develop property inventory.
    Start by developing an inventory of the property or properties that are being considered for reuse. In some cases, a property may be a consolidation of multiple parcels with different owners. The purpose of this inventory is to document basic information about the property.

  2. Identify important considerations.
    Identify the considerations that are important to the successful development and implementation of the reuse strategy.

  3. Craft your goals and objectives.
    This is a brief statement that describes the purpose and anticipated outcome for the project. It provides the basis for evaluating a municipality’s involvement in the reuse of a Brownfield or underutilized property.

Once project goals have been developed, they should be communicated and agreed upon by the Sponsor Group and stakeholders. To the extent necessary to accomplish the goals, elected officials and the public must also be made aware of the project and its benefits.

Additional discussion on establishing project goals can be found in Section 2.1 through Section 2.5 of the PREPARED Workbook.

Worksheet #1 provides a template for summarizing basic information and considerations about a property to support the development of goals and objectives for the project.

Brownfields Success Stories offers examples of productive site reuse.

Previous Step: Stakeholder Engagement  | Next Step: Property Reuse Assessment

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Content Last Updated May 12, 2017