Funding Sources

State of Connecticut Funding Sources
The Siting Clean Energy on Brownfield webpages provide links to information on financing and incentives, guidance, potential locations, and liability limitations for both clean energy projects and brownfield reuse.
Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development (OBRD) of the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD):
Brownfields Redevelopment
- DEEP's Role in Brownfields Redevelopment - How Can We Help You? (August 2014) (begins on slide 74)
- The PREPARED Municipal Workbook is a virtual guide for Brownfields redevelopment, including tools for tracking necessary information.
Federal Funding Sources
- The Brownfields Federal Programs Guide lists programs that provide technical or financial assistance relevant to brownfields.
- Where applicable, a description of eligibility requirements, availability, uses and applications, as well as any restrictions on use or eligibility is included.
- Examples of Brownfield projects that have successfully leveraged funding from these programs are also included.
Urban Sites Remedial Action Program
- Eligible sites must be located in either a distressed municipality, as defined in CGS Section 32-9p, or a targeted investment community as defined in CGS Section 32-222, and the site must have a high economic development potential as determined by DECD.
- Addresses liability concerns that can hinder reuse of contaminated properties.
- DEEP and DECD work together to facilitate the transfer, reuse and redevelopment of potentially polluted property.
- When necessary, the State can commit public funds for the planning and implementation of the site remediation on an individual basis.
- These funds are intended as "seed capital" to expedite the project.
- The State will seek recovery of state funds.
- Authorized by CGS Section 22a-133m.
Content Last Updated February 11, 2019