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Landscape Stewardship
Department Plans

Sketch of tools used for planning including caluclator, planning book, pens, and drawing aids.

The DEEP has a variety of plans that relate to landscape stewardship. These include:

The Connecticut Climate Change Action Plan includes recommended actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions which cause global climate change.

The Connecticut Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategies identifies species of greatest conservation need and their affiliated habitats as well as priority research needs and conservation actions necessary to address problems facing these species and habitats.

The Connecticut Recreational Trails Plan contains the DEEP's policy for the development and use of statewide recreational trails and helps guide decisions made regarding grant awards for trail projects.

The Connecticut Statewide Forest Resource Plan is an overview for planning future activities within all segments of Connecticut’s forest community.

The Green Plan: Guiding Land Acquistion and Protection in Connecticut 2007-2012 guides the Department’s land protection and open space efforts, including grants to municipalities.

The Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan identifies long-term measures to reduce losses from future natural disasters.

The Solid Waste Management Plan serves as the basis for solid waste management planning and decision-making.

The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) assesses both the demand for and the supply of outdoor recreational facilities statewide.

Content Last Updated June 2015