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Trout Parks

Family of anglers showing off their catch on free fishing day.

Twelve water bodies in Connecticut have been designated as Trout Parks. Trout Parks are located in easily accessible areas to enhance trout fishing opportunities for young anglers and novice anglers as well as for those with mobility challenges. The frequent stockings, generally between Opening Day and Memorial Day, will greatly increase an angler’s chances of catching a fish, making it a more attractive "fishing hole", particularly to children and families.

Although the Trout Parks will have more fish in them, their daily creel limit (the number of trout an angler can keep) has been reduced from five to two fish per day in order to spread the catch among a greater number of anglers.  A Trout and Salmon Stamp is required to fish in a Trout Park.  For more information, please see our Trout and Salmon Stamp FAQ and Brochure

So round up the family, get over to one of the Trout Parks and start fishing!

Trout Park map

For additional trout stocking information, please see our Interactive Trout Map and our Current Trout Stocking Reports - Trout stocking reports from February through May or visit our Interactive Trout Stocking Map

Content Last Updated February 2020