Long Island Sound Blue Plan Listserv

If you would like to receive email updates about web postings, the legislative review process, and other information relating to the Long Island Sound Blue Plan, please subscribe to the Blue Plan LIS listserv.
To subscribe to the listserv:
- Compose an email to listserv@list.ct.gov from the email address you wish to have added.
- Leave the subject line blank and in the body of the message type:
Subscribe DEEP_BluePlanLIS YourFirstName YourLastName
Note: If you have an e-mail signature, header, and/or footer set up to be automatically included in emails, you will need to delete these before sending the subscribe request.
- You will receive an e-mail confirmation request. Follow the directions to confirm your email address.
- You will then receive an e-mail that you have successfully subscribed to the listserv.
To unsubscribe from the listserv:
- Compose an e-mail to listserv@list.ct.gov.
Leave the subject line blank and in the body of the message type:
Signoff DEEP_BluePlanLIS
- Requests to unsubscribe must be sent from the same email account used when subscribing to the email list.
- You will then receive an e-mail that you have successfully unsubscribed from the listserv.
Please email Mary-beth Hart if you experience any problems subscribing or unsubscribing to the
Blue Plan LIS listserv.
Content Last Updated February 18, 2020