DEEP is continuing to carry out its mission and provide services while keeping both the public and our workforce safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here for the latest updates on DEEP's response to COVID-19. DEEP COVID-19 Response

Connecticut's Coastal Nonpoint Source
Pollution Control Program

Links to More Information about Reducing NPS from Urban Sources

Note: many of the following links exit the DEEP website
Municipal Planning and Zoning and Regional Planning

DEEP Stormwater Management

2004 Connecticut Stormwater Quality Manual

Stormwater General Permit Information:

Phase I Stormwater Construction General Permit 5+ acres disturbed

Phase I Stormwater Commercial General Permit 5+ acres impervious surface

Phase I Stormwater Industrial General Permit certain industrial activities

Phase II MS4 Permits municipal separate storm sewer systems

University of Connecticut Rain Garden Brochure

DEEP Watershed Municipal Outreach and Low Impact Development

Roads, Highways and Bridges

DOT Bureau of Policy and Planning Environmental Pamphlets

On-Site Mitigation for Transportation Projects (containment or construction debris, paint, or other material)

DEEP Snow Disposal Best Management Practices

DEEP Guidelines for Municipal Management Practices for Street Sweepings and Catch Basin Cleanings

CT Department of Transportation 2000 Drainage Manual

Water Quality

Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Program

Long Island Sound Water Quality Program and Information

Water Quality Standards and Classifications  Legislation

Connecticut Integrated Water Quality Report to Congress

Connecticut Swimming Area Water Quality Summer Program

Septic Systems
DEEP Programs

Subsurface Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems (septic systems)

Content updated on February 28, 2020