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2019 Boating Infrastructure Grant Applications

Questions and Answers to RFA

Q: We are contemplating submitting an application for the BIG program but are not sure if the proposed project would fit within the guidelines.  Our proposed project would be the installation of floating stationary trash skimmers to capture the floating debris and oil film that are present at our facility.  We think this project could fall under two types of projects within the guidelines; recycling and trash receptacles, or debris deflection boom?  Our facility currently has space for transient boat over the length of 26’ with a full suite of amenities.

A: Amenities that support transient vessels are eligible for funding.  However, because the BIG program funding must be dedicated to transient vessel use, any request for project components which would also benefit non-transient (seasonal) vessels at the facility would need to be pro-rated.  For example, if the marina has 100 vessels and 10 of those are designated for transient use under the BIG program, an amenity such as a debris deflection boom that would benefit all of the vessels in the marina would need to be pro-rated at 10% of the cost of the project.  Proration must be applied to the project costs prior to calculating the non-federal match component, which is a minimum of 25% of the total project costs.

Q: In your RFA it states that projects are ineligible for funding if they include dredging. However, in the BIG program Tier 2 NOFO, it states that dredging is eligible if it is necessary for the completion of the project. Can you please clarify if dredging is allowable if it is required as part of the project?

A: While the federal program includes dredging as an eligible component, Connecticut has elected to eliminate this activity from eligibility for its sub-recipients due to several prior BIG funded projects including dredging not being completed by the sub-grantees, resulting in the return of federal funds and incomplete projects due to regulatory difficulties associated with dredged sediment disposal.  Therefore, in Connecticut, dredging is not an eligible activity under this funding program.  It is recommended that if dredging is required to obtain the necessary depth to pursue a project that applicants conduct the dredging and disposal activities prior to applying for funds.

Q:  The RFA states that projects are ineligible for funding if the proposed activities include law enforcement patrols. Can you please clarify what this means? Does this exclude us from partnering with local fire, police and the Coast Guard?

A: In accordance with federal program rules, BIG funds cannot be used for any law enforcement activities.  This does not preclude applicants from partnering with law enforcement agencies.  However, at no time shall BIG funds be used to support or provide infrastructure for law enforcement purposes.  For example, BIG funds cannot be used to construct docks for police and fire boats, or be used to provide security staffing for a marine facility.


Content Last Updated on July 18, 2019