Press Releases

Governor Dannel P. Malloy


Gov. Malloy: Access to Capital Allows Small Businesses to Think Big

Small Businesses in Cheshire, Enfield, South Windsor, New Britain Receive EXP Grants

(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that four additional small businesses have qualified for grants through the state's Small Business Express Program (EXP) to expand their businesses and create jobs. EXP was created as a part of the bi-partisan jobs bill that was passed during the October Special Session.

"If we're going to build an economic revival in our state, we need to make sure that small businesses have the resources they need to grow and create jobs," Governor Malloy said. "Little by little, the Small Business Express program is helping Connecticut companies as they lead us out of the economic downturn and help us turn around 20 years of stagnate job growth."

In total, EXP will provide $100 million to help the state's small businesses hire more employees and fund capital investments. The program, administered by the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), offers loans and matching grants to Connecticut companies with fewer than 50 employees.

The four small businesses announced today:

  • Healthy Mom LLC of Cheshire makes and markets Maia Yogurt, a probiotic Greek-style yogurt that retails in many local supermarkets including Big Y, Stew Leonard's and IGA independents. The company will use a $200,000 loan to market and grow the business. Healthy Mom plans to hire three full-time and five part-time employees.

State Representative Alfred Adinolfi (R-Cheshire, Hamden, Wallingford) said, "I am happy the bi-partisan jobs bill I voted for and that passed in October is doing what it is intended to do which is help small businesses like Healthy Mom LLC. With the Small Business Express Program, they will be able to market their company and hire more employees at the Cheshire yogurt business."

"I'm so happy and proud that Healthy Mom LLC of Cheshire was smart and aggressive enough to access the small business loan program," State Representative Mary Fritz (D-Cheshire, Wallingford) said. "Congratulation truly goes to these women for being so innovative and to DECD for growing jobs."

"Supporting small businesses, and in particular those producing healthy food choices, serve all the residents and is money well spent," State Representative Vickie Nardello (D-Bethany, Cheshire, Prospect) said. "I am very pleased to see such support for a local Cheshire enterprise."

  • Enfield Printing Company provides printing, copying, and graphic design services to businesses in north central Connecticut and western Massachusetts. The company, which recently purchased an 8,500-square-foot building to accommodate the growth, will use its $100,000 matching grant for improvements to the building. The project will retain four employees and create one position in the next year.

"What great news for Enfield Printing," State Senator John A. Kissel (R-Enfield) said. "The bipartisan jobs bill puts small businesses first by providing much needed assistance for companies wishing to expand and hire more employees. This announcement is a perfect example of how the policies we create in Hartford can keep and grow jobs right here in North-Central Connecticut. I hope many more jobs grow out of this grant as this small business continues to thrive."

"This is a significant grant that was made possible through a terrific program, the Small Business Express Program, and I'm very happy for the owners and employees of Enfield Printing Company," State Representative David W. Kiner (D-Enfield) said. "For the success of our state, we need to help businesses like Enfield Printing expand and create new jobs. The Small Business Express Program has helped make this possible," he said.

"This is exciting news for Enfield," said State Representative Kathleen Tallarita (D-Enfield). "Keeping Enfield Printing Company in town and helping them renovate is a perfect example of how the jobs bill we passed last year is working for Connecticut."

  • CPR Training Professionals LLC of South Windsor conducts classroom sessions and travels to homes to teach CPR training. The company will use its $100,000 loan in working capital for equipment, marketing, advertising as well as other business expenses. CPR, which has 5 part-time employees, plans to hire two full-time and three part-time employees as part of the project.

"The investment that the Governor and the legislature made in October to grow jobs and Connecticut's economy continues to pay off, as I predict it will for months and years to come under our Small Business Express Program," State Senator Gary D. LeBeau (D-East Hartford), Senate Chairman of the Commerce Committee, said. "The planned expansion of CPR Training Professionals with the help of a state loan is just the latest example of our commitment to small businesses in Connecticut."

"The owners and managers at CPR Training Professionals are well known and respected in the community and do a great job running their business," said State Representative Bill Aman (R-South Windsor). "The service they are offering is needed in the town of South Windsor and surrounding communities as more people require CPR training. I am glad they were able to secure this grant to help the business expand and hire additional people. When we passed the Jobs Bill last year, we did it with the intention of helping businesses like this one- I am happy to see it is working."

State Representative Timothy Larson (D-East Hartford, South Windsor) said, "I just would like to credit the Governor and his team for continuing to lead a dynamic effort to help small businesses get appropriate funding so they can continue creating jobs in Connecticut."

  • The New Britain Museum of American Art , an important contributor to cultural life in the Greater Hartford area, provides art education studios that serve 69 towns, a library and meeting spaces, as well as a three-acre sculpture garden. The museum will receive a $100,000 matching grant to create a new marketing/education position, buy equipment, and acquire an adjacent parking lot to increase the parking capacity.

"The New Britain Museum of American Art is an absolute gem, not only for New Britain but for the entire state, and any investment we can make to bring more people to the museum is a good one," State Senator Terry Gerratana (D-New Britain) said.

"I am very pleased Governor Malloy and his administration has seen fit to prioritize the arts," State Representative Betty Boukus said. "Arts education enhances students' overall skills, such as math and language, which in turn improves test scores that increase chances of higher education and good jobs in the future."

"Supporting organizations and institutions that promote the arts is essential to providing a complete and rich social life in New Britain," State Representative Rick Lopes said. "I thank Governor Malloy for his support and acknowledgement of the contributions and indispensable services the New Britain Museum of American Art provides."

"I am pleased that Governor Malloy has chosen the New Britain Museum of American Art as a recipient of this $100,000 grant," said State Representative Robert Sanchez (D-New Britain). "This grant is a confirmation of the importance of supporting organizations that bring opportunities for cultural enrichment to our vibrant and diverse community."

"The New Britain Museum of American Art is one of New Britain's most popular attractions, and this funding will help bring more visitors to our city. The experts say we see a $9.30 return to the state and local economy for every state dollar invested in culture and tourism," said State Representative Peter Tercyak (D-New Britain). "I really appreciate Governor Malloy's strong support for our museum, especially at a time when many museums are struggling for funding."

For more information on EXP or to apply for the program, visit the Small Business Express Program website or contact Michelle Lugo at DECD at 860-270-8052 or .