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Consumer Protection Releases Resources for Those Seeking a Hemp Manufacturing License in Connecticut

Thursday, June 27th, 2019 – The Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) is advising those interested that the application for hemp consumables manufacturing licenses is now available online, along with additional guidance and resources. The signing of Public Act 19-3 allowed the state to begin a hemp pilot program with the Department of Agriculture (DoAG) regulating growers and processors, and DCP regulating manufacturers.

If someone plans to manufacture hemp products consumed in any way by people (food products, lotions, oils, etc.) through a process beyond chopping or grinding, such as heating or distillation, they need to be licensed with DCP. If anyone is simply chopping or grinding hemp, they do not require a license with DCP. Retailers of hemp products who are not manufacturing do not require a license.

“I am pleased that we have gotten this program up and running so quickly after the bill was signed,” said Consumer Protection Commissioner Michelle H. Seagull, “I want to thank the Department of Agriculture and our legislators for their support in making the start of this program a success. I look forward to this program growing as an important part of the state’s economy, and encourage those with questions about hemp manufacturing to reach out to us.”

Information about the hemp consumables manufacturing license, how to apply, testing requirements, and frequently asked questions can all be found by visiting portal.ct.gov/hempmfg.

Those with questions or concerns can contact DCP by emailing dcp.hemp@ct.gov.


Media Contact:
Lora Rae Anderson
(860) 713-6019 (office)
(860) 247-8711 (cell)

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