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Thursday, April 27th — This Saturday, April 29th, is National Drug Take Back Day, and the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) and the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) are encouraging residents to dispose of their unused medications. Families should set aside some time on their calendar this weekend, and make safe drug disposal an important part of their routines in the future.

Here are some options for Connecticut families disposing of medication:
  • Visit a Drug Drop Box in your community. Bring unwanted medications to a local drop box. You can find the list of over 70 permanent drop boxes at police stations throughout the state by visiting www.ct.gov/dropbox.
  • Dispose of medication safely at home. On DCP’s website, you can find information about how to dispose unwanted medication safely at home. Make sure that you run your unwanted medication under hot water, combine it with something undesirable (like used kitty litter or old coffee grounds), and place it in a secure container before throwing it away. Never flush medication down the toilet or sink.
  • Attend a Take Back Event. On National Drug Take Back Day and throughout the year, organizations host events where residents can dispose of medication, and learn more about services offered in their community.
“DCP wants to encourage families to learn about safe drug disposal and to spread awareness in their communities,” said Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner Michelle H. Seagull, “Take Back Day is a great opportunity for all of us to clean out our medicine cabinets, and plan to make safe drug disposal a part of our regular routine.”

“Surveys have found that nearly half of young people who inject heroin report misusing prescription painkillers before beginning heroin,” said DMHAS Commissioner Miriam Delphin-Rittmon. “Even if it’s just a few pills, safely disposing of unwanted medication is one step everyone can take to help prevent the misuse of prescription painkillers. This simple thing can make a big difference in preventing addiction.”

Those who want to learn more about the state’s Drug Drop Box Program can visit DCP’s website here. Residents, organizations, and professionals who have questions or concerns may contact DCP’s Drug Control Division by emailing dcp.drugcontrol@ct.gov, or calling (860) 713-6065.

If you or someone you know is living with an opioid addiction, resources from DMHAS can be found by visiting www.ct.gov/DMHAS/opioidresources, or by calling 1-800-563-4086 to be connected to treatment options. 



Media Contacts:

Department of Consumer Protection

Lora Rae Anderson
(860) 713-6019 (office)
(860) 247-8711 (cell)

Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Diana Lejardi
(860) 418-6967 (office)
(860) 558-0024 (cell)
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