State Advisory Council (SAC)

The State Advisory Council (SAC) provides the Department of Children and Families with oversight and advisement.  They meet monthly to receive updates about the Department and provide feedback.

The SAC currently has three openings: one for a healthcare professional and two for adult caregivers of children who have received (or are receiving) services from the Department.  If you are interested in the position or know someone who may be, please contact SAC Co-Chairs Sarah Lockery and Myke Halpin.  

Navigate to:
2022 SAC Minutes  SAC Minutes Archive (2014-2021)  SAC Statute  SAC Videos  
2022 SAC Agendas, Minutes, Notes & Handouts

July 11, 2022

June 6, 2022

May 2, 2022

April 4, 2022

March 7, 2022

February 7, 2022

January 3, 2022


SAC Videos

State Advisory Council - Family First Update Webinar (3-1-21)

Watch the State Advisory Council Retreat Video

SAC Retreat Video

View a photo slideshow from the SAC Retreat  (June 21, 2019)




SAC Statute
As amended by Public Act 12-82, § 2 (Effective October 1, 2012)

Sec. 17a-4. State Advisory Council on Children and Families. Appointment. Powers and duties. (a) There shall be a State Advisory Council on Children and Families which shall consist of nineteen members as follows: (1) Thirteen members appointed by the Governor, including at least two persons who are child care professionals, two persons eighteen to twenty-five years of age, inclusive, served by the Department of Children and Families, one child psychiatrist licensed to practice medicine in this state and at least one attorney who has expertise in legal issues related to children and youth and seven persons who shall be representative of young persons, parents and others interested in the delivery of services to children and youths, including child protection, behavioral health, juvenile justice and prevention services, at least four of whom shall be parents, foster parents or family members of children who have received, or are receiving, behavioral health services, child welfare services or juvenile services; and (2) six members representing the regional advisory councils established pursuant to section 17a-30, appointed one each by the members of each council. On and after October 1, 2014, no more than half the members of the council shall be persons who receive income from a private practice or any public or private agency that delivers mental health, substance abuse, child abuse prevention and treatment, child welfare services or juvenile services. Members of the council shall serve without compensation, except for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The Department of Children and Families shall provide the council with funding to facilitate the participation of those members representing families and youth, as well as for other administrative support services. Members shall serve on the council for terms of two years each and no member shall serve for more than three consecutive terms. The commissioner shall be an ex-officio member of the council without vote and shall attend its meetings. Any member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings or fifty per cent of all meetings during any calendar year shall be deemed to have resigned. The council shall elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson to act in the chairperson's absence.



