Introducing the Best of 2020…..

DCF LogoWe are proud of our accomplishments during 2020 across Divisions of our Department. What are our successes? How did we manage the daily operations? What did we do to ensure clear communication across the system as key components of our work were completed?  With whom did we consult and interact?

Please read here for some of our highlights….
  • Consulted with the Governor's Office, other state agencies, child welfare jurisdictions across the country and community partners to share and collaborate on best practices in our work.
  • Provided written guidance and video recorded messages weekly to all staff, including community partners, clarifying new pandemic procedures.
  • SuccessDeployed over 2,600 Tablets, including approximately 600 in one week alone, leading to over 75% of staff teleworking.
  • Engaged with children and families using innovative and creative methods via remote technology such as Face Time and Microsoft Teams.
  • Established triage procedures, including proper PPE use, when in-person response was required due to a circumstance that could not be resolved remotely.
  • Continued to monitor services to vulnerable populations such as children with specialized needs and children and families in disproportionally impacted communities.
  • Issued a moratorium on older youth being discharged from care during the pandemic.
  • Established the "When it Builds Up, Talk it Out" campaign which included a phone line staffed by community providers that parents could call when in need of support.
  • Conducted continuous contact tracing processes guided by DCF Medical Director of all COVID-19 positive diagnosis for caregivers, youth and DCF staff.
  • GovLogoPresented twice at the Governor's Council on Women and Girls Health and Safety Subcommittee, co-chaired by Commissioner Dorantes, regarding resources available to support Connecticut children and families including access during the pandemic.
  • Discussed during the Alcohol and Drug Policy Council (ADPC), co-chaired by Commissioner Dorantes, services and supports available across Connecticut during the pandemic.
  • Developed and regularly updated a COVID-19 website  which has resulted in over 24,000 unique individuals accessing the information.
  • Established a specific e-mail address for internal DCF staff and external partners to ask specific questions relating to the pandemic:
  • Produced a daily DCF NEWS with information regarding supports available for children, families and staff as well as highlighting positive efforts of the workforce.
  • Spotlight LogoPublished a "Spotlight on What's Right" monthly newsletter highlighting the collaborative work of the Department and community partners leading to successful outcomes for families. 
  • Encouraged staff to utilize internal supports, including the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), ensuring a healthy work/life balance.
  • Established a foster parent contact database so communications could be quickly and consistently delivered and confirmed backup childcare plans with each caregiver during the pandemic. 
  • Engaged in regular pandemic conference calls with key legislators, Juvenile Court Administration, Attorney General's Office, Public Defenders Office and Office of the Child Advocate to provide Department updates and resolve issues brought to their attention.
  • Consistently met with leadership from 8 different state employee labor unions to answer questions and clarify operational procedures for staff throughout the department. 
  • Conducted weekly videoconferencing with the Children's League of Connecticut (CLOC)
  • Met monthly on a virtual basis with the Non-Profit Alliance to ensure consistency of information and problem solving.
  • CSDE LogoEstablished the Educational Professionals Investigation Unit (EPIU) leading to consistency and standardization in our investigations practice.
  • Outreached occurred daily from our Licensing Division to private providers caring for our children in congregate care facilities and program leading to trouble-shooting concerns with maintaining virtual connections to the families they serve.
  • Conducted two virtual town halls for contracted and credentialed providers. Followed up on inquiries from contracted and fee-for-service credentialled providers from our Fiscal Department.
  • Solicited PPE need from nonprofit provider community and submitted through the Essential Support Function process and supplemented their stockpile when necessary.
  • DDS LogoConducted two webinars with the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) and established guidelines for assessing families remotely and criteria for educational neglect in a remote environment.
  • Collaborated with the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to establish an escalation protocol leading to stronger working relationships.
  • Conducted virtual listening tours with the DCF Area Offices and Facilities.
  • Presented the Department's COVID-19 planning on a Casey Peer to Peer national call with over 200 representatives from jurisdictions across the country.
  • Actively participated in the National Governor's Association (NGA) Children and Family Learning Cohort leading to sharing our best-case practices with other states across the country including a joint presentation by the Commissioners of the Department of Children and Families and State Department of Education.
  • Beacon LogoEstablished an anti-racist framework for the Department leading to the Department becoming a racially just organization.
  • Presented our racial justice strategies at the national Child Welfare League of America's 100th Anniversary conference.
  • Held a "Virtual Adoption Day" where over 25 children achieved formal permanency.
  • Implemented the five9 Careline phone system which allows greater responsivity to the public and quality assurance.
  • Continued work towards the development of a Family First Prevention Services Plan (FFPSA) with the input of over 250 community partners.
  • Launched the implementation of the Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI) for foster care collaboration.
  • Began Rapid Permanency Reviews hosted by Casey Family Programs.
  • Child HandsAchieve pre-certification of Juan F. Consent Decree outcomes measures pertaining to caseload sizes and quality of investigations.
  • Received approval of the Department's Affirmative Action Plan.
  • The Academy for Workforce Development delivered a catalog of virtual curricula including a Leadership Academy for Middle Managers and Mentoring program.




