Enhanced Service Coordination Leads to Greater Matching for Services

The Systems and Organizational Development Division is supporting the statewide launch of Enhanced Service Coordination (ESC). The ESC model focuses on improving matches to services by focusing on a family’s needs.

The ESC work is now expanded statewide after the model was successfully piloted in Regions 5 and 6 with a focus on coordinating service referrals for a suite of parenting services that includes Intensive Family Preservation IFP), Reunification and Therapeutic Family Time (RTFT), Parent Support Services (PSS) and Child First.

Furthermore, the long awaited automated Universal Referral Form (URF) is now available for statewide use. The CT-KIND Team, Central Office Divisions and Regional URF Form Pilot Team have worked with Staff around the state to create a URF tool to improve the efficiency of the referral making process, while simultaneously gathering data to inform agency knowledge about services and utilization trends. 

Each Region has a designated team of Champions who will provide support and guidance as the URF is rolled out.

To support the ESC work, the following social workers have been promoted to serve as Regional Enhanced Service Coordinators:

• Region 1 Jill Kochman
• Region 2 Josh Fisher
• Region 3 Kathy Payne
• Region 4 Omar Muhammad
• Region 5 Megan Bracone
• Region 6 Kathleen Costello

This team will be directly reporting to Temple Figueroa, the Statewide Supervisor for Enhanced Service Coordination, and with additional support in each Region from the Systems Program Directors.
