Community Care, with love from the Girl’s of Solnit South

Solnit 1The Girls of the Solnit South PRTF program decided to create a special community-based opportunity to address the food needs of local families for this upcoming holiday season.  These young ladies made decorative posters and donation boxes to place around campus seeking to collect numerous non-perishables for the local food banks and shelters. Some of the items they have collected so far have been canned goods, condiments, soups, and many other helpful items.  Although the girls are earning community service hours for their participation in this drive, most are more Solnit Food Driveinterested in participating for the greater good; giving back to the local community in need. As we are all aware, youths with so many needs as ours sometimes struggle to put aside their personal needs to think of the needs of others, especially around the holidays when their personal issues are compounded. Seeing the joy and passion these girls are showing as they sponsor this special food drive has brought an air of refreshment and renewed holiday anticipation to the Solnit South Campus.

Special recognition also should be given too Tiffany Bacote, a new educational staff to the Solnit South family, and Eric Grant, a veteran CSW and extremely active activity planner and supporter for residents, who has been putting in the oversight, time, and energy to make this drive possible.
