Racial Justice Summit (Handouts)

Welcome to the Racial Justice Summit Handout page. Listed below are all the handouts that were shared and the videos that were shown at the Summit on October 26, 2018.Erasing Disparities & Breaking Barriers

RJS Program

     CT PA 18-111
     SFY18 AO Disproportionality
     Slideshow of the Summit
     Statewide Racial justice Workgroup (webpage)
     Who Am I Poem and Instructions
     YAB Poem

     DCF Racial Justice Presentation (on Vimeo)
     Meet Me Where I'm At
     Slow and Steady Wins the Race in Child Welfare Equity (NCWWI webinar)

DCF Racial Justice Summit 2018 (October 26, 2018, Videos)

     2018 Racial Justice Summit Opening Remarks
     Racial Justice Summit MCs
     Committing to Action
     YAB Panel
     2018 RJS Keynote: Kenneth V. Hardy, Ph.D.
     Perspectives through a Racial Justice Lens: The Region 6 Implementation Story
     2018 Summit Closing Reflections

Slideshow Logo
