Connecticut eRegulations System

Agency Regulations

Department Aid to Day Treatment Centers for Emotionally Disturbed, Mentally Ill, and Autistic Children and Youth

Section 17a-22-1. Application for funds

Application for funds under Section 17a-22 of the General Statutes shall be made on forms to be provided by the State Department of Children and Families, hereinafter referred to as the Department. The application shall set forth a definition of the towns and areas to be primarily served by the applicant; background of the organization submitting; description of children/youth and families to be served; rationale and need for the service; service objectives and description of expected achievement or outcome during the total period.

The applicant shall submit, in detail, forms provided by the Department as to the personnel requirements and qualifications needed to carry out its program proposal. Detailed budget of program expenses anticipated in implementing the proposal and a statement showing the anticipated income specifying the sources of such income must be included.

The applicant shall submit, upon request of the Department, details pertaining to its corporate status and authority, if incorporated, or other information pertaining to its legal status and authority.

The applicant shall submit five (5) copies of the application to the Department.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-22-2. Review of application

Within 60 working days of the receipt of the application, the Department shall review the application and assign to it a priority based on the relative needs of the region and the quality of the proposal contained in the application. The Department may request the application be reviewed by the Department's Regional Advisory Council.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-22-3. Criteria

The Department, in making allocations, shall consider among others, the following criteria: (a) the extent to which the proposal contained in the application emphasizes the provision of day treatment services in order to maintain children/youth in their homes and/or in the community; (b) the extent to which the proposal shows evidence of improvement in provision of continuity of mental health treatment services, preventive services and other relevant services as described in a formal agreement between applicant and other agencies within the service area; (c) the extent to which the applicant proposes to provide an increase in service within its region or sub-region, and particularly with respect to serving previously unserved populations. Additionally, particular emphasis will be placed on proposals which made optimum use of available public and private resources within the community as witnessed by a written agreement; (d) the extent to which the applicant proposes to analyze and evaluate the program's impact which may include but not be limited to the use of performance indicators such as "client satisfaction questionnaire"; (e) the extent to which the applicant meets the licensing or certification requirements as stipulated by the Department of Health for Day Care Centers and the Department of Education for Special Education Programs; (f) there shall be an adequate number of clinical supportive personnel to provide the necessary services for the administrative and clinical programs.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-22-4. Method of allocation

(a) The allocation of funds made by the Department shall be on the basis of a contract or letter of award for services. Each contract or letter of award shall set forth the terms and conditions under which the award will be made, the manner in which payments will be made, the period for which awards will be granted, and will make reference to the specific programs described in the application; (b) if, after completion of payments under the conditions set forth in the contract or letter of award, it is determined by the Department that the total paid hereunder, together with income from other sources applicable to the program, exceeds the total expenses for the period of the award, the applicant shall be required to refund to the Department, the amount of such excess within thirty (30) days of such determination.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-22-5. Account reports

(a) A complete account of income and expenses shall be maintained by the applicant and is subject to audit for a period of three years following the final date of the period for which the award is made; (b) quarterly reports of expenditures and income shall be made by the applicant. Other reports, providing statistical data, statements of program evaluation and other related material, shall be submitted as required by the Department.

(Effective February 1, 1994)
