Agency Regulations

Children's Homes or Similar Institutions, Residential Treatment Facilities, Group Homes, and Temporary Shelters

Section 17a-145-59. Compliance with requirements for licensure

The minimum requirements set forth in Section 17a-145-60 to section 17a-145-98, shall be complied with as requisite for licensing children's homes or similar institutions, residential treatment facilities, group homes and temporary shelters.

Facilities which are not private family homes may be licensed under these sections.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-60. Finances

Each such facility shall have sufficient income and resources to adequately maintain the plant, equipment and program encompassed by these regulations. financial records showing the amount and source of all income and expenses and of all assets and liabilities of the child-care facility and the sponsoring agency shall be maintained. There shall be an annual audit of all capital resources, assets, liabilities, receipts and expenditures by a qualified public accountant not affiliated with the facility or agency as an employee. A copy of each such annual audit, in such form as required by the Commissioner or his designee, shall be a part of the facility's record and shall be submitted to the department upon request.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-61. Written policies and procedures

The policies and operating procedures of the facility covering the selection, medical care, education, religious training, discipline, discharge, program, daily care, feeding, staffing pattern and supervision of the children shall be clearly stated in writing, reviewed no less than annually by the persons responsible for the total operation of the facility, and kept current. Copies and any subsequent revision thereof shall be made available to appropriate staff of the facility. Copies and any subsequent substantial revisions shall be provided to the department.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-62. Governing board

All licensed child-care facilities shall have a governing board. Such board shall be legally constituted and shall manage its affairs in accordance with applicable provisions of law, its certificate of incorporation and its duly adopted bylaws. The board shall meet at least with the frequency specified in the corporation's bylaws and keep minutes of each meeting which shall be made a part of the permanent records of the facility. Minutes of the discussion of those matters relating to the licensed facility's operation shall be made available to the department upon request.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-63. Chief administrative officer

There shall be a chief administrative officer who shall be in charge of the overall management of the facility and carry out the policies of the governing board. Each facility shall provide the staff and complementary services to enhance the physical and emotional well-being and ensure the safety of the children.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-64. Personnel policies and procedures

Personnel policies and operating procedures regarding facility employment and personnel practices shall be in writing and on file with the department. A copy shall be given to each employee and volunteer worker. A record containing personnel and health information shall be maintained by the facility for each employee. All direct care personnel shall have a physical examination, including a test for tuberculosis, immediately prior to assuming assigned duties.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-65. Hazardous equipment

All power-driven machines and other hazardous equipment shall be properly safeguarded and their use by children regulated by supervisory staff of the facility.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-66. Health, sanitation, fire safety, and zoning approval

Health and sanitation approval by the state and local departments of health, approval for safety by the state and local fire marshals, certificate of occupancy and zoning approval are prerequisite to licensing upon initial application. State, or at the discretion of the Commissioner, local fire marshal and health inspections and approvals shall be required for renewal of a license.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-67. Water Supply. Sewage and garbage facilities

Water supply shall be adequate and safe. If the facility is not served by public water supply, the water shall be analyzed and approved by the state department of health services or local department of health or a private water-testing laboratory approved by the state department of health services at the time of initial licensure and at any subsequent time the department deems such testing is necessary. Adequate and safe sewage and garbage facilities shall be maintained.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-68. Heating, ventilation, lighting

Comfortable heating, sufficient ventilation, and both natural and artificial lighting shall be provided.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-69. Construction

The plans and designs for all new construction, additions to or substantial modifications of buildings or parts of buildings used or to be used in the operation of the child-care facility shall be submitted to the Commissioner for review before such construction is contracted for or begun. The proposed plans shall include written confirmation of required fire, safety and zoning approvals. The Commissioner shall determine if the proposed plans are in compliance with the intent of these regulations within 30 days.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-70. Nursery units

Nursery units for children up to two years of age shall be separate from living quarters for children.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-71. Living room, lounge

Cottage-type and congregate-type institutions shall provide a living room or lounge in each unit sufficient in size and equipment for the informal use of the children. Each living room or lounge shall be comfortably and attractively furnished, well heated, lighted, ventilated and screened, clean and cheerful, with substantial furnishings suitable for use by children.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-72. Living quarters of staff

Living quarters of staff shall afford privacy from children and shall be suitable according to job duties and employment arrangements.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-73. Sleeping accommodations

(a) Sleeping accommodations for each child shall have adequate area, spacing and equipment in accordance with the child's age and needs. Bedrooms shall contain a window unless there is a 24-hour ventilation system approved by the state or local health department. Heating facilities shall be sufficient to maintain a room temperature consistent with existing department of health services' guidelines. Separate sleeping quarters shall be provided for children of the opposite sex six years of age or over. The facility shall provide each such child with a single bed with adequate linens and covers suitable for the temperature, and a locker, dresser or other storage space for the child's private use conveniently located in or near the child's sleeping room.

(b) Sleeping quarters for children under 12 years of age shall have a minimum of 300 cubic feet of air space per child, or a minimum of 70 square feet of floor space. Sleeping quarters for children aged 12 and over shall have a minimum of 500 cubic feet of air space, or a minimum of 70 square feet of floor space per child.

(c) Sleeping quarters of staff shall be separate from those of the children but near enough to afford proper supervision.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-74. Lavatory facilities. Toilet articles and linens

(a) At least one toilet and washbasin shall be provided near sleeping quarters, recreation areas, and dining rooms respectively and shall have adequate hot and cold running water, equipment and supplies. Adequate bath facilities shall be in the same building as, and accessible to, sleeping quarters. The bathroom equipment for children shall be of appropriate size and height for the children's use. Each facility shall provide for bathrooms and toilets which shall allow for individual privacy.

(b) Each child shall be provided with an adequate supply of toilet articles and linen.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-75. Health and medical treatment. Administration of first aid. Prescription medication. Administration of medicine or treatment. Written records. Storage of drugs, medicines, and instruments. Sick room, telephone.

(a) The facility shall provide for the health and medical treatment needs of children by having a written plan which specifies the arrangements for the provision of preventive, routine, elective and emergency medical care. The facility shall provide or arrange for qualified medical care for its residents, including medical emergency treatment, on a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week basis.

(b) There shall be written policies and procedures, reviewed by a physician at least quarterly, for the administration of first-aid; care of residents with minor illnesses, injuries or special conditions; and for the administration or use by residents of patent medicines.

(c) The facility shall only permit prescription medication to be administered to a child upon the written order of a licensed physician who has examined the child in an appropriate manner for the condition and its treatment. Orders for prescription medication should be reviewed at intervals appropriate for that child and his/her treatment, as specified in writing by a physician, and at least quarterly.

(d) The facility shall permit only staff who have been fully instructed in the proper administration, expected and untoward effects, and contraindications to continued administration of a prescribed medicine or treatment to administer that medicine or treatment. The facility shall have a written policy specifying the criteria used for designating staff to administer medication and a written plan for training staff. The facility shall maintain a current, written roster of staff designated to administer medication. There shall be periodic reviews and updating of staff's knowledge about medication and other treatments and their administration.

(e) A written record shall be kept of the administration of all prescriptive and non-prescriptive medicine to a resident, identifying the medicine and dosage, time of administration and the person who administered the medicine.

(f) All drugs, medicines and medical instruments shall be kept in a locked cabinet accessible only to designated staff members. A resident may keep and administer prescribed medicines himself only with the written approval of a physician and the agreement of designated staff that this practice would not be a risk for other children in residence.

(g) The facility shall ensure that residents, in the event of sickness have an area which is comfortable, safe and allows appropriate privacy.

(h) A telephone with posted emergency medical and poison information numbers shall be available in all health care areas.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-76. Kitchens, equipment, food-handling

All kitchens shall be clean, well lighted, properly ventilated and screened, and provided with essential and proper equipment for the preparation and serving of food. Storage, refrigeration and freezer facilities shall be adequate for the number of persons to be served. All perishable foods shall be refrigerated at a temperature at or below 45° Fahrenheit. Freezers and frozen food compartments shall be maintained at minus 10° to 0° Fahrenheit. Cooking utensils, dishes and tableware shall be in good condition and proper cleaning facilities for this equipment shall be provided. dishes shall be stored in a clean, dry place protected from flies, dust or other contamination. Food preparation and serving areas shall comply with Section 19-13-B42 of the public health code. Proper food handling techniques and sanitation to minimize the possibility of the spread of food-borne diseases shall be maintained.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-77. Dining areas and supervision

Dining areas shall be kept clean and attractive, well-lighted, properly screened and ventilated, and shall be large enough to accommodate the children and staff responsible for their supervision. Staff supervision at meals shall be adequate to ensure a safe and comfortable atmosphere for eating.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-78. Recreational facilities

Indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, supplies and equipment shall be provided and used by the children. Appropriate safety measures, instructions and supervision should be provided to protect the children from bodily harm.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-79. Telephone service

Each cottage or separate living unit shall have 24-hour telephone service.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-80. Internal and external security

The facility shall provide adequate internal and external security to ensure the safety of children and staff from outside intruders.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-81. Provisions for education

Each child-care facility shall ensure that every child in care attends an appropriate educational program which is approved by the state education agency in accordance with state law.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-82. Laundry

Provisions shall be made for the children's personal laundry, the facility's laundry and the repair of clothing.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-83. Visitors

Children shall have a place to receive visitors in privacy. Each child shall be permitted to receive visitors subject to reasonable restrictions consistent with the child's treatment objectives.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-84. Office space. Confidential files

Private office space shall be available for administrative and counseling staff. There shall be locked files for all confidential material.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-85. Housekeeping equipment and supplies

Housekeeping equipment and supplies shall not be accessible to children unless an individual determination is made concerning their ability to safely use them or their use is under direct staff supervision. Such materials shall be maintained in a safe, protected space which shall be clean, dry, well-lighted, ventilated and in good repair, free from rodents and other vermin.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-86. Instructions in safety procedures. Supervision

Each child shall be instructed, as appropriate to his own age level, in safety procedures, including fire drills, civil defense and safe use of electrical or power equipment. All use of such equipment shall be under the supervision of a competent adult. Safety procedures for waterfront and swimming pools shall be maintained. All on-grounds pools shall be enclosed with safety fences and shall be regularly tested to ensure that the pools are free of contamination. A certified individual shall be on duty when the children in care are swimming. A certified individual is one who has a current water safety instructor's certificate or senior lifesaving certificate from the Red Cross or its equivalent. The waterfront or pool shall be properly maintained and have proper safety equipment available. The swimming pool shall be inspected under section 19-13-B33a, and the waterfront under Sections 19-13-B34 and 19-13-B36, respectively, of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-87. Religious activities

The religious faith of each child shall be protected and the child shall be given the opportunity to participate in religious activities of his own faith whenever possible.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-88. Abuse of children. Discipline

The child-care facility shall prohibit abusive, corporal, humiliating or frightening punishment and restraints not appropriate to the circumstances, particularly in the area of toileting, feeding or sleeping practices. Control, supervision and discipline of children shall be an adult responsibility appropriate to the child's age and level of development and shall not be prescribed or administered by the children except in those programs which employ peer counseling and control under specific guidelines as determined by the Commissioner.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-89. Work performed by children

Children shall be encouraged to work. Each facility shall ensure that the child's work experience has a constructive value for his or her training and development. work assignments shall be made in accordance with the age and ability of the child and applicable laws and regulations.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-90. Clothing. Storage

Each child-care facility shall ensure that each child in care has adequate clean, well-fitting, attractive and seasonable clothing as required for health, comfort and physical well-being, and as appropriate to age, sex, individual needs and community standards. A child's clothing must be identifiably his/her own and not shared in common. Provision shall be made for the safe storage of the child's personal possessions.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-91. Health program, facilities, training

Each child-care facility shall provide the program, facilities and training necessary for the children's daily health needs and the development of sound habits and practices or personal hygiene and appearance.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-92. Food and diet

Food served shall be wholesome and of sufficient quantity. The diet of children under one year of age shall be prescribed by a qualified physician. The diet of children over one year of age shall meet the recommended daily allowances published by the food and nutrition board of the national research council, the state department of health or county extension service.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-93. Medical, dental, and nursing care

Each child-care facility shall provide or arrange for appropriate medical, dental and nursing care for children, including use of community health services. The health program for the children shall include preventive and remedial medical and dental services and psychiatric and psychological services as needed.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-94. Written treatment plan

An individualized facility written treatment plan shall be established by the facility and implemented for each child in accordance with department treatment plans and regulations as applicable.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-95. Children not to be used for fund-raising

The child-care facility shall not require or permit children in its care to solicit funds for the institution or be identified by name, in photographs or in any other manner in its fund-raising material and activities or in public relations unless legally sufficient waivers are obtained.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-96. Discharge of child

Discharge of a child from the care of the child-care facility shall be only to the person, persons or agency having legal custody of the child, or on the written authorization of such legal custodian.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-97. Unauthorized absence of child

Unauthorized absences of a child in care shall be reported immediately by telephone, or not later than the next working day, to the guardian followed by a written report within a reasonable period of time. When such absences occur outside of normal working hours or on weekends and holidays and the department or guardian cannot be notified, the child-care facility shall also report the absence to the police.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-145-98. Case records. Reports. Confidentiality

(a) Each child-care facility shall maintain a current, confidential case record for each child, including family, social and health history; the reason for admission; the individual treatment plan; the care and service provided; the progress of the child in the facility; and the plan for discharge and disposition.

(b) The guardian or custodian of the child shall be entitled to receive, upon written request, reports and information concerning the health, behavior, progress and educational achievement of the child.

(c) All confidential records shall be maintained in locked files and shall not be available to other than authorized persons. A record of duly authorized personnel shall be maintained by the facility.

(Effective February 1, 1994)
