ISSUANCE NO. 2005-09

Subject and
Foster, Adoption, and Subsidized Guardianship Rates

The following policies have been revised to reflect increases in the rates for foster care, subsidized adoption and children with complex medical needs which were effective July 1, 2005: 

  • 36-55-25.1, Foster Care Reimbursement Structure (Revised)       
  • 36-55-25.2, Reimbursement Rates (Revised)
  • 36-55-25.3, Reimbursement Adjustments (Revised)
  • 36-55-25-4, USDA Categories of Expenditures (Revised)
  • 41-7-7, Exceptional Foster Care Rate (Revised)
  • 41-50-6, Monthly Subsidy (Revised)
  • 48-18-5, Determination of the Amount and Type of an Adoption Subsidy (Revised).

 Effective Date:  November 30, 2005
