Medically Complex Program

Children with Complex Medical Needs

Within the Department of Children and Families, there is a small group of children who have medical care needs that go beyond routine well-child care and common childhood illnesses.  These children may have care needs that range from a child who requires daily medications for mild-persistent asthma to a child who must have assistance with all of their care due to severe cerebral palsy or other complex medical conditions. DCF designates the care needs of children with complex medical needs into a 4 tiered classification system. Children who are in classification four are the children with the most complex medical and associated care needs while children in Classification 1, have fewer care needs and less medical risk. All caregivers of children with complex medical needs are required to have additional health-related training.


Training Requirements for Medically Complex Certification

1.  Fostering Health for Children in Foster Care - Online Only

2.  CPR certification

3.  Medication Safety for Foster Parents - Online only

4. Upcoming Medically Complex Certification Training Class
