Juvenile Justice Education Oversight

Public Act 18-31 established an Education Subcommittee within the Juvenile justice Policy and Oversight Committee (JJPOC) to develop a detailed plan to address concerns with overall coordination, supervision, provision, and direction of all academic services and programs for school aged youth/children who reside in juvenile justice facilities or are incarcerated.  DCF has experience overseeing education in multiple types of settings, including residential programming of CJTS through Unified School District #2 (USD #2).  Public Act 21-174, passed in June 2021, requires DCF to create a new administrative unit, separate from USD #2, that will oversee and monitor the education of children who reside in justice facilities or who are incarcerated, creating standardization, reentry processes, and quality assurance.  Planning for this unit is underway.

Juvenile Justice Education Implementation Team Operational Plan
