Multidisciplinary Evaluation (MDE)

October 20 Modification of Previously Entered Orders Pursuant To Executive Order 7M-MDE (From Commissioner)
October 20 Modification of Previously Entered Orders Pursuant To Executive Order 7M-MDE (From Governor)


The Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation (MDE) is a comprehensive, trauma informed screening that looks at the physical, dental, developmental, behavioral and emotional health of a child to:

  • Identify, assess and recommend treatment for any acute or chronic medical, educational, developmental, dental or behavioral health condition in a child placed outside of his or her home and identify any child who could benefit from a more comprehensive trauma-focused assessment.

  • Identify health condition that requires prompt medical attention such acute illnesses, chronic diseases requiring therapy (e.g. asthma, diabetes) signs of infections, nutritional problems developmental or mental health conditions and/or ongoing treatment needs.

  • To inform planning and assist DCF in developing case plan to meet the child’s acute and chronic treatment needs

All children, 0 through 17 years old, who enters or re-enters the custody of DCF shall, within 30 days of placement, receive a trauma-informed Multidisciplinary Evaluation (MDE). 

Children who re-enter care will have another MDE performed unless the Area Office determines that a repeat MDE is unnecessary and an exemption is granted.


In the case of an exemption, the DCF Area Office is still responsible for collecting information similar to that required of the MDE clinic including information about screens for medical, behavioral health, development, dental and educational issues.



DCF-746 Referral Form

DCF-747 MDE Summary and Recommendations (updated 8/1/19)

DCF-MDE Letter to PCP

Health Care Standard and Practice for Children and Youth in Care

MDE Brochure  (2019)

MDE Brochure  (Spanish 2019)

MDE Clinics and DCF Offices Contact information
MDE Customer Satisfaction Survey
     Revised MDE Consumer Satisfaction Survey
     Revised MDE Consumer Satisfaction Survey (Spanish)

MDE Medical Component Training

MDE Mental Health Component Training

MDE NA codes























